LIN Mrs. Newhouse's

Learning Page

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Teacher Message

Hello Lancers! To be successful in my class you will need to use our Google Classroom to access our units of learning. Google Classroom will be used to view assignments, submit your activities, and notebook assignments. You can also access the class website in the stream for additional resources. Our time will be very valuable as we only get 50 minutes a class every other day, YIKES! I am very confident we can use that time wisely and appropriately so we can learn and explore many computer and online programs. I mean, I am preparing you for the #1 job source in America. And did I mention one of the best paid jobs in the USA!

Virtual Learning Expectations:

  • Check Google Classroom for assignment and the day's agenda. You might have to wait as they are posted the day of class and not agead of time.

  • You will produce work.

  • You will get graded.

  • Not sure what to do? email Mrs. Newhouse

Google Classroom:

*All students have been assigned Google Classroom and may find our individual class there now! No join code, just go!

Class Website Links:

This is for extra resources for each unit if you are needing more information.

Interested in Computer Club? We will meet after school on Tuesdays till 4PM starting in the fall. Everyone is welcome. You must arrange for transportation pick up or sign up for the boys and girls club. Announcements will be made for exact start date

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