5th-Mrs. Ball 

Learning Page

Teacher: Hannah Ball                                📧 Email Me!

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Google Classroom

Google Classroom

This link will be updated as needed. 

Welcome to 5th Grade!!

Welcome 5th Grade Class of 2025!! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to be your teacher this year. This will be my 16th year teaching and my 4th year in 5th grade at Laurel! 

5th grade is packed with learning adventures that I hope will be both exciting and challenging. I expect each and every one of you to try new things, ask for help, and never give up.  Those will be the key ingredients to your success in this class.

In 5th grade we find adventure through reading a multitude of genres and topics. You will become scientists by investigating our world, and will develop into masters of many math skills including multi-digit multiplication, long division, decimals, and fractions. You will also be transforming into thoughtful and caring leaders at Laurel as they prepare to move on to Middle School! 

One of the best parts of being a teacher is building a partnership with parents and students to ensure that each student can be successful in school. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. You can find my contact information here. I look forward to getting to know everyone and making this year the best every!

~Hannah Ball~

Middle School 

5th graders are getting ready for Middle School! Be sure to watch throughout the year for important information from 5th grade teachers, Laurel office updates, and District shared information to ensure you don't miss anything important! 

Lesher Middle School 

You will learn more about the 2 main feeder schools for Laurel during your 5th grade year. 

Lincoln Middle School 

Makes sure to watch for information throughout the year!  

Laurel Counseling Resources

Check out the amazing resources from our Laurel Counseling team. You can find mental health supports, community resources, and interactive activities.  

Back to School Night

Please read the Back to School Night slide show with the information from the slides. Back to School Night slide presentation from 2024-2025

Be sure to check out the Back to School Song for 2021-2022 along with great information from our AMAZING principal, Ms. Cox.

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Important School Year Information

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