Cache La Poudre Elementary School Kindergarten Information 


Kinder 24-25 welcome.mp4

Meet Our Teachers! 

Mrs. Cordell

Ms. Berry

Begin of year parent letter.doc

Kindergarten Information 

Click the upper right corner to open

easing the transition to kindergarten

Kindergarten Transition Tips

Introductory Information

Kindergarten power point 2023-2024

A special message to new Pirates!

We can't wait to meet you!


Alessandra Vassaux  

Family Liaison / Enlace Familiar 

Cell Phone: 970-685-8922

A traducir esta página


Frequently Asked Questions

What makes CLPE special?  

What does a typical kindergarten class look like?

What enrichment opportunities are available at CLPE?

Who will  my child's teacher be?

What if I have more questions?

CLPE's Mental Health Team and Approach

Hannah Anderson

Affective Needs Mental Health Specialist 

My name is Hannah Anderson and I am a nationally certified school psychologist working to support the mental health needs of the Affective Needs program at CLPE. I love being a part of this community.

Shaylie Norton

School Psychologist

My name is Shaylie and I am the school psychologist for CLPE and CLPM. I am so thrilled to be a part of the CLP community. I support the mental health of students with a wide variety of service needs.

Kelsey Prather Eplee

School Counselor

Hello! My name is Kelsey Prather Eplee and I am the school counselor at CLPE. This is my third year working at CLPE and I am so grateful to be part of such a strong community!


CLPE Therapy Dog

Hi! My name is Konza and I am a certified therapy dog through Caring Canines. My owner is Ms. Kelsey and we love helping students together.
I love you for exactly who you are!

Social Emotional Support at CLPE:

Trauma - responsive school 

Over the last couple of years, CLPE has become a trauma-responsive school and a multidisciplinary program. Starting to understand how students who have experienced trauma can be best supported through relationships, repetition, consistency, as well as training staff and creating an inclusive, welcoming environment that is trauma responsive. We are always learning new tools and strategies with our students. The last couple years, we have been implementing an evidence based curriculum called Yoga Calm, that encourages regulation through breath work, movement, and of course yoga. Each grade level experiences Yoga Calm as a class, as well as in smaller groups. This curriculum encourages students to focus and become engaged in their classes and helps them self-regulate throughout their day.

Weekly Guidance - Social Emotional Learning

Guidance is one of the specials offered at CLPE. It is a class that will provide lessons that promote knowledge, attitudes, and skills through instruction in three content areas: academic achievement, career development, and personal/social growth. Students will be taught learning strategies, self- management and social skills, along with curricula that help foster self-knowledge, self-control, and problem solving. In addition, students will learn yoga and grounding skills that will support learning, balance, physical/mental/emotional strength, stillness, listening, caring and an appreciation for community.

Small Group/Individual Counseling

At CLPE, we provide universal social emotional learning through guidance lessons. We strive to equip all students with healthy coping skills, feelings of belongingness, and resiliency.

We provide individual counseling and group counseling for a variety of reasons. We support groups for a variety of reasons, such as anxiety, grief, friendships, social skills, decision making, executive functioning, etc.


Please reach out to the mental health team if you ever have any questions about how we support students and families, and or if there is anything we can help you with! We love our Pirates!

CLPE is an International Baccalaureate School

The IB Mission Statement:

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. 

 Kindergarten Registration

If you live in the CLPE attendance zone, please click the Register Button to be taken to our online registration.

If you are applying for School-of-Choice, you first need to register at your home school.  Click the School-of-Choice Button for additional information and guidance.