Schedule & Lettering

Meet Schedule

Boys Meets

Practice Schedule


Diving Schedule (Tentative): M/W (EPIC): 4:30pm, T/TH (EPIC) @ 6:00, F (CSU) @ 5:00PM

Club Attendance Requirements: FAST, Vortex & LSC

FAST Arete, LSC Senior, Vortex Peak & Elite: 

Must attend have at least two touches a week. Preferred days are Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. You will be treating club practices just like high school practices. Attendance and lettering policies apply. If you are to miss a club practice, you need to alert Coach Keaton. 

FAST Senior: 

Three combined FRHS touches includes practices and meets (can do more with coach approval). Tuesday AM, Thursday PM, Saturday Weights. You will be treating club practices just like high school practices. Attendance and lettering policies apply. If you are to miss a club practice, you need to alert Coach Keaton. 

FAST Challenge Group: Four combined FRHS touches: Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM, Thursday PM, Friday PM

High School Group(s): 

Attend all FRHS practices possible. If you cannot attend FRHS practice due to work or other planned conflicts, with coach approval you may attend High School Group practice instead.

Lettering Policy