Welcome to feed our families

Poudre High School's Local Food Drive in Fort Collins, CO

Ubuntu is an ancient African philosophy that roughly translates to "I am who I am because of who we are" and this philosophy is at the heart of Poudre High School and our Feed Our Families tradition. Since 2008, this project has addressed food insecurity in our community. Historically, about 40-50% of Poudre High School's student population has free/reduced lunch status while about 10% of our students are either considered "unaccompanied youth" or students who may not have fixed permanent housing and qualify for our McKinney Vento program and resources. That's 1 in 10 students at PHS experiencing homelessness. As the holiday season quickly approaches, Poudre staff and students uphold the Ubuntu spirit by collecting as much food and monetary donations as possible to provide meals for our families in need. With your help, we can make this year our most successful one yet! 


Sign-up for food collection shifts!

Donate your time and go "canning." This process is how we collect most of our non-perishable food. You can sign up for a 2 hour shift to collect food items. We have slips outside of the main office of PHS in English & Spanish that can be given to customers as they enter the grocery store. As they leave, you can collect food in a cart and drop it off at PHS on the following Monday from 8-8:50 am. If you collect money donations, please give them to the front office. 

Donate to the cause!

A great way to be involved is to donate if you can. You can use the QR Code above, or the link below. Feel free to share this link with family or friends. We use proceeds to purchase fresh produce for our families that we feed. Any cash donations can be brought to the front office. We appreciate any financial support! 

Do you need food or other resources?

If you or someone you know could use a hand up, please contact us! 

For English:
Kailey Loper kloper@psdschools.org

Para Español:   

Aloha Arcero Apitz aarceoapitz@psdschools.org

Nancy Madrid


Thank you to the following businesses for their support!

King Soopers on Taft and Elizabeth, and N. College

Lucky's Market - Fort Collins

Safeway on Drake

Beaver's Market - Fort Collins