Ms. Conway's FCHS Learning Page
Teacher Message
Hello. Welcome to the 2023-24 school year. I am honored to be your teacher this year! Below, please find the link to your google classroom and a list of supplies for AP Human Geography and World Geography & Cultures. I am excited to meet all of you!
Link to Google Classroom for 1st and 2nd hour AP Human Geography:
You will need the following Supplies for AP Human Geography this year:
*One large (5 subject spiral notebook) or 2 smaller (3 subject) notebooks. Your spiral notebook must be large enough to glue in a sheet of copy paper without cutting it down.
*Colored pencils (at least a 12 pack)
*Glue sticks (8-12) or a few bottles of glue
Link to Google Classroom for 4th hour World Geography & Cultures:
Supplies for World Geography & Cultures:
*A large spiral notebook (3 subject or a few 1 subject notebooks). This should be large enough to glue in a sheet of computer paper without cutting it down.
*12 pack of colored pencils
*6 or more glue sticks or a a bottle or 2 of glue.