Our Learning This Week

Week of May 13th

Coming up: 

May  22nd  - Park Field Trip for Peak, Coy, and Hall

May 23rd - Park Field Trip for Cheramy and Warren

May 28th - Field Day

May 30th - Last Day (1/2 day)

Reading Content:

Module 4: Enjoying and Appreciating Trees

Click here to learn about this module!  

Unit 3: How can we inspire others to appreciate and enjoy trees?

Guided Questions: 






Foundational Skills:

Letters we have learned: 

all (yay!), sh, th, ch

Phonics  concepts we have learned: -ank, -ink, no English word ends in v, open syllable e, FLOSS Rule, magic e

High Frequency Words we have learned:

I, the, in, he, on, and, up, a, you, see, do, to, at, has, is, it, was, his, or, for, by, be, are, with, will, have, from, of, there, where, they, we, all, one, we, but, not, what, when, then, you, said, were, like, she, her

Cycle : 

High Frequency Words: 

Decodable Text: 






Math:  Topic 14: Describe and Compare Measurable Attributes 

Monday: 14.5

Tuesday: 14.6

Wednesday: Review

Thursday: Assessment

Friday: No School

Social/Emotional or Science/Social Studies

Science - living and nonliving things, trees, animals depending on trees, what trees provide

We have HEART! 

H - helpful

E - empathic 

A - accountable

R - respect

T - tenacious