Design Thinking page

Design thinking is a class available at futures lab and teaches the process of making a design and a product. The best way to get a good idea and a good design or product is to make a good question that can be solved to make other people's lives easier. My goals for this class was to make assignments that I am proud of and that were up to my and the classes standards of what it can be.

Ross Chapman Guest Speaker

Ross Chapman is a design thinker and uses it in his everyday work. It was really helpful to see how he uses what we are learning in class, in his everyday work. This inspired me to think more about what I want to focus on when going to college and what I may want to do after school is over.

Nikola Modrusan Guest Speaker

Nikola Modrusan is a Mechanical Engineer and is very knowledgeable about design thinking and the design process. Before the meeting, I set a goal for myself to set good notes that can help me in the future with my design thinking. He talked about the different methods that he uses to get his design as close to what is asked of it. The design matrix helps show how important each specification is to the design and then after each design you grade the design and give a grade out of ten to each spec. and then average out points each design got to see what one is more focused on the requirement.