Meet Miss Utesch

Hello, my name is Miss Utesch and I am thrilled to be your second-grade teacher! I am so excited to get to know you, learn with you, and laugh with you. But in the meantime, here is a little about me. I live in Windsor but grew up in Fort Collins. I attended PSD K-12 and loved it so much that I had to come back and teach here! I feel so blessed to be a part of the Bethke community and second-grade team. It truly is the BEST. 

I graduated with my bachelor's degree from the University of Northern Colorado in elementary education with an emphasis in literacy. This will be my third year teaching second grade but after graduation, I first joined Bethke as a long-term substitute in third grade and I have loved every second at Bethke since. I have also worked with students across grade levels in PSD and I can confidently say that second grade is the best. We are going to read, write, experiment, and explore all sorts of new things together! 

In my free time, I love to cook (as best as I can), spend time with my family and friends, travel, watch movies, and paddle board. Additionally, here are some of my favorite things... 

Drinks: Starbucks, Smoothies & Coke

Restaurants: Chipotle, Noodles & Company, Chick-Fil-A & P.F. Changs

Stores: Target, Amazon, Scheels, At Home & Barnes and Nobel

Color: Purple

Animal: Giraffes

Season: Winter

Book Character: Pete the Cat 

I am so looking forward to having a great year with you! 

Best Team Ever! 

Family Time!

Miss Utesch in Second Grade!