Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Graduation requirements?

24 credits (each semester-long class is worth .5 credits)

50 hours of community service

See course handbook or student handbook for specific departmental requirements.

Is Academic Lab required for freshmen?

No – freshmen may choose to take an academic lab just for freshmen that incorporates transitional activities with upper-classmen mentors called PALs, a regular academic lab (no activities, mixed grade levels), or no academic lab at all.

What is Naviance?

It is a college and career readiness website that enables self-discovery, career exploration, academic planning, and college preparation for students. Pattonville uses the platform for researching career/college opportunities as well as the application process.

Is there an attendance policy?

Yes – A student’s credit may be removed, regardless of grade, if they are absent for a specific class eight or more times per semester. This includes illnesses, doctor’s appointments, and other excused absences. Regular attendance is critical to academic success. Additionally, if a student is not at 90%, he/she might not be eligible to attend Homecoming or other dances.