About ME

Stephanie M. McCreary, DTS

Remington Traditional & Willow Brook Elementary

Contact: E-mail

Twitter: @steph2911


  • My role as D.T.S. stands for District Technology Specialist aka "technology integration collaborator"

  • I strive to be an equipper, inspirer, encourager, co-learner and a partner in the broader PLN of my staff

I believe...

  • everyone, but especially educators, should embrace lifelong learning

  • the most effective technology integration begins with a learning task that requires higher level thinking and the 4 C's

  • in meeting every teacher where they are; tailoring support to match their learning style and building on successes at their pace

Favorite hashtags that challenge my professional growth:

@AppleEDU #everyonecancreate. #LeadLAP #tlap #googleEDU #edtechchat #MOedchat

I support the following notions: