What does the Distance Learning Schedule look like?

Please click here to see the most current Distant Learning Schedule

How do I change my student's schedule?

The best way to request a schedule change would be to email Paula Cartwright at: pcartwright@psd267.org. She will be able to help and give you more information about your student's schedule.

Where can I see my student's schedule?

You can view your student's schedule on Family Access/Skyward, here.

What is 0 Period?

0 Period is for 8th Grade students taking Spanish.

Why does my student's schedule show back to back classes on their schedule?

For English and Math. We have what is called a "block" schedule. It allows for more time in those classes by having a period and a half. Skyward does not allow us to "split" periods so the first period shows up twice even though it's only for half of the period and the class following is the other half.

When is lunch?

Lunch is 11-12 Monday/Thursday

10-11 Tuesday/Wednesday

Friday will probably be 10-11 because 4th period is 11-12

What does PLC stand for?

PLC stands for Professional Learning Community. What that means is schools is that our teachers are working together in teams to develop professionally to better meet the needs of students. Drop in support time is for all content areas, the time just varies by day.

Will the live learning sessions be taped?

Yes, the live learning sessions will be taped and accessible in the teacher’s Google Classroom. There might be a delay for downloading and uploading the videos, but they will be there eventually. Several teachers will have alternative videos for students to watch. If you have specific questions, please reach out to your child’s teachers.


Why can I login to Skyward, but not InTouch?

Since Skyward and InTouch are two different systems, it may take up to 24 hours after creating your Skyward Parent Access account before being able to log in.

  1. If you created your new Skyward password today and it's not working, try again tomorrow.

  2. The other option you have is to click to "Set your password" (near the top of the page) or "Have a password reset email" and it only resets your InTouch password (not Skyward). If it still doesn't work, email Kato (kclinton@psd267.org) and she'll help.

How do I login to a Chromebook?

Login- student email (for example, Sparty Spartan would be: Spartspa@psd267.org)

Password- lunch pin (4 digit number students use on the pin pad at lunchtime)

  • Students’ 3rd period teachers can give out the login information

  • Families and students may contact the LMS registrar, Sarah Boyer, at 509-334-3411

How do I login to a student's Skyward?

Login- first 5 digits of last name, first 3 digits of first name, followed by three zeros

Password- may be set as default to student’s date of birth followed by an exclamation point

    • Students may reset their passwords from the Skyward portal by using the ‘forgot username or password’ link

    • LMS office staff can assist students with password lookup and reset

    • Families and students can email remotesupport@psd267.org for additional assistance

How do I login to a student's Email?

Students can log into their LMS email accounts by visiting www.gmail.com.

Login- first 5 digits of last name, first 3 digits of first name, followed by @psd267.org (for example, Sparty Spartan would be: Spartspa@psd267.org)

Password- may be set as default to student’s date of birth followed by an exclamation point OR lunch pin (4 digit number students use on the pin pad at lunchtime)

    • Students may reset their passwords by contacting the LMS registrar, Sarah Boyer, at 509-334-3411

    • Families and students can email remotesupport@psd267.org for additional assistance


When will students return to in-person learning?

Please check our District website for the most up to date information about reopening schools, click here.

What do I do when my child needs to be absent?

Please call our office! Our Attendance Secretary is Robin McDougle. You can reach her at (509)334-3411 ext 1, or e-mail her at rmcdougle@psd267.org.

If Robin is not available, Kato or Sarah will be happy to help you.

If your child is sick: Please call Robin as early as possible to let her know about the absence.

Dr. Appointments or picking your child up early from school:

  1. Call the office and we will have your child in the office waiting for you.

  2. When you arrive, you will need to come in to the office to sign the “Excuse to Leave School Grounds”. If your child returns to school the same day, please have them check in with the office before going back to class.

If your child will be gone for 3 or more days: Send a note with your child and have them give it to the office before the absence begins. We will give your child a Homework Sheet which they will take around to all of their teachers.

IMPORTANT: If you e-mail or contact your child’s teachers to tell them your child will be absent, please be sure to notify the office as well.

What does this year's Academic Calendar look like?

Here is the link to the District page with that information.

What do Breakfast & Lunch Cost?

Unless you request a refund with the elementary school, your child’s lunch balance will automatically roll up to the middle school. Lunches at LMS are $3.25 and Breakfasts are $2.00. The cost for reduced price lunches is $.40. If you would like to look at your student's balance or add to it, click here.

When are school photos?

September 16th! Please come only during your scheduled time to allow for social distancing.


8-9am A-B

9-10am C-D

10-11am E-G

11-12am H-K

12-1pm L-N

1-2pm O-S

2-3pm T-Z

For more information, check out our Photos page!

Where can I access the student handbook?

The student handbook will be in front of the student agendas. It's also accessible here.

How do I buy Spartan Swag?

Lincoln Middle School partnered with College Hill Threads to create Spartan Swag. Items can be purchased here until August 31st 10:00am. After the deadline, gear will be mailed to your personal address.

How do I buy a yearbook?

Yearbooks can be purchased at Treering.com the school passcode is 1013582898353339.

Do I need to buy PE Clothes now?

PE Clothes are required so we strongly encourage you to purchase now so that your student can begin PE as soon as possible.

Required Immunization Records

Immunization records are required and you should have previously received information. Please check your records as soon as possible and begin the process of getting your child up to date.

Spartan Sports

Sports are currently postponed. We are constantly keeping up to date with local and state recommendations and cannot wait until sports return!

If/when Spartan sports start up again, your child will be required to have the following completed:

  1. Emergency Contact Form

  2. Athletic Registration Form

  3. Inherent Risk for each sport the student wishes to participate in

  • $25 for 7th & 8th grade

  • $20 for 6th grade

Will the school district be checking out Chromebooks again? How can I get tech help?

If you are looking for technical support or a hotspot to be used with your PSD chromebook, please contact our support staff at: RemoteSupport@psd267.org