Welcome Back to School!

September, October and November have flown by! We are back from a wonderful week long break and Hustling full speed ahead to our Winter Wonderland Extravaganza Concert! Christmas Push is a very musical time for the Music Department and I am so excited to be working with your fantastic students! My name is Miss Myiah Boison and I am the Music Teacher here at High Park School this year. 

This is High Park Music Monthly! Your monthly sneak peek into the music classroom and music class at High Park School. Each grade has a section on this website to conveniently find what happening that month and anything major on the horizon! Music memo's and notifications that are for the whole school will appear below in BOLD LETTERING! Happy Music Making! 


Thank you to all who attended our Remembrance Day Ceremony. We appreciate our High Park Community for coming to commemorate and remember. 

High Park Winter Extravaganza Concert

December 13th & 14th 

Time: Wednesday, December 13th @ 6PM (Kindergarten to Grade 3, Junior and Senior Choir) 

Thursday, December 14th @ 6PM (Grade 4-6, Junior and Senior Band) 

Click Here for Kindergarten

Oh what a joy your Kindergarten students are! In the first month, students have become such amazing little musicians and already know the in's and outs of our music room like they have been at High Park for years! Bravo & Brava! 

September, October and November have really flown by! Now that we are November and your students have mastered so many wonderful singing and moving activities. 

Our next big adventure is our Winter Wonderland Extravaganza. Our Kinders will be singing 2 short songs.  

The first song is called Snow is Falling Today and you can practice by clicking here

Our second song is called A Million Little Snowflakes and you can practice by clicking here.

Thank you for having fantastic Kindergarteners!

Click Here for Grade 1

The grade one class this year is super de duper energetic! 

For the Winter Wonderland Extravaganza your students have started working on the heavy lifting, which really means all the singing, dancing and giggling that comes with learning our new repertoire to wow you! Each class has their own song. 

Grade 1 T will be singing a song called It's A Marshmallow World In The Winter. Click here to practice. 

Grade 1/2P will be singing Seven Feet of Snow. Click here to practice. 

Thank you for having such wonderful and intuitive Grade 1 Students! 

Click Here for Grade 2

The start of the year with Grade 2 has just flown right by! Your very talented singer songwriters have already created some wonderful music with dots in September on Dot Day as they learned that the notes they used to see as just lines finally got to put some shoes on.  

Grade 2 is working very hard to hear the difference between sounds that are High and sounds that are low and that the songs and melodies that we hear can be happy sounding (major), sad sounding (minor) and kinda funky (pentatonic). 

Coming up next we have our Winter Wonderland Extravaganza and your students are hard at work, singing, dancing and rhyming the day away. They cannot wait to show you! 

Grade 1/2P will be singing Seven Feet of Snow. Click here to practice. 

Grade 2 H is singing a song called Snow Day. Click here to practice. 

Grade 2/3 K is singing Candy Cane Twist. Click here to practice.

Click Here for Grade 3

Grade 3! My singing powerhouse of the school! These incredibly talented singers earned their spot singing in the Remembrance Day Celebration. Linked below is the song they will be singing with the Grade 3-6 Choir and 7-9 Choir. Amazing Job Grade 3! Please remember to wear all black and a poppy for Remembrance Day. 

They are singing so well, that they are well into rounds and  

Please click here to practice: Light a Candle for Peace 

On the rhythm side of things, our grade 3 class is learning to count in groups of 4, 3 and 2 this year to get prepared to play some Ukulele. Ask your student to try and do our waltz step for you! 

Coming up, we have some very fun pumpkin themed singing activities and after our  Remembrance Day Ceremony, we will begin preparing for our Winter Extravaganza Concert. Stay tuned!

Click Here for Grade 4

Grade 4 is at the beginning of a very exciting year of music! Students in grade 4 are learning the basics of music theory to prepare for a fantastic year of instrument play! 

Grade 4 students learned a rap about the lines and spaces of the staff and that the musical alphabet only goes up to the letter G...No H I J K's here! Your students can also count in so many time signatures 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 and match notes to values. Grade 4 has been very, very busy! 

In September, students in grade 4 were also introduced to some wonderful Music Technology and Music games that they can access from their google classroom and on their chromebooks! 

After some pumpkin-filled activities to end off October, and our Remembrance Day Celebration, students will be getting prepared for our Winter Extravaganza Concert! Stay tuned. 

Click Here for Grade 5

Grade 5 had a very efficient start to the school year! Rolling right back into a review of all of the note values, time signatures and some of the scales that they played on their ukuleles and recorders from last year, these students have worked very hard to remember how to do it all and I am super proud! 

Students have now completed a massive playlist project of songs that they themselves listen to often, on repeat, and very loudly! Students had to remember how to write full sentences, count out time signatures and learn to find Key signatures and scales, which will help them when they start to write their own music this year. All of the students did a wonderful and detailed job! Bravo & Brava Grade 5. 

After our whirlwind end to October and our Remembrance Day Celebration, students will begin preparing for our Winter Concert Extravaganza! Stay tuned for more details. 

Click Here for Grade 6

Grade 6 had a very efficient start to the school year! Rolling right back into a review of all of the note values, time signatures and some of the scales that they played on their ukuleles and recorders from last year, these students have worked very hard to remember how to do it all and I am super proud! 

Students have now completed a massive playlist project of songs that they themselves listen to often, on repeat, and very loudly! Students had to remember how to write full sentences, count out time signatures and learn to find Key signatures and scales, which will help them when they start to write their own music this year. All of the students did a wonderful and detailed job! Bravo & Brava Grade 6

After our whirlwind end to October and our Remembrance Day Celebration, students will begin preparing for our Winter Concert Extravaganza! Stay tuned for more details. 

Click Here for Junior Band 

Welcome back to such a wonderful and dedicated group of students! I am so pleased to have such a fantastic core group that make playing instruments so much fun! 

Practice Tuesdays from 3:05PM to 4:15PM (depending on how much playing I make them do 4:05PM may occur). 

Students in this group will focus on learning how to READ music, understand their brand new instrument and also play the instrument by themselves and with others. They will have sectional practice time, full band practice and also play duets or trios. Students will have the opportunity for some built in mentor time from our wonderful senior band. As this band is very capable, they have set the bar very high and already are talking of performing for our upcoming Winter Concert. 

NOTE: This is a class that students take for credit. This means that it attendance is NOT OPTIONAL. Beginning in November, students will need an excused absence from parents/guardians to miss band. If the time is to be missed, students will need to make up the practice time in one of two ways: 

3 unexcused absences will result in a conversation with parents/guardians and one of our administrators to discuss whether there is another way that we can make up for the lost practice time.


Click Here for Rock Band

What a wonderful and LOUD start to our school year! Way to Rock On! 

Students in Rock Band have been making some serious noise by bucket drumming this month! 

We also started the beginnings of learning to tune, and play guitar and bass. After some very hard work, students can play the first riff (section) of Smoke on the Water. Well done Rock Band!

Rock Band is almost over for Term 1 but we will be back for Term 2! 

Click Here for Senior Band 

Welcome back to such a wonderful and dedicated group of students! I am so pleased to have such a fantastic core group that make playing instruments so much fun! 

Practice Thursdays from 3:05PM to 4:30PM (depending on how much playing I make them do 4:20PM may occur). 

Students in this group will focus on continuing their skills with their instruments of one or more years. They will have sectional practice time, full band practice and also play duets or trios. Students will have the opportunity for some built in mentor time to our Junior Band. As this band is very capable, they have set the bar very high and already are talking of performing for our upcoming Winter Concert. 

NOTE: This is a class that students take for credit. This means that it attendance is NOT OPTIONAL. Beginning in November, students will need an excused absence from parents/guardians to miss band. If the time is to be missed, students will need to make up the practice time in one of two ways: 

3 unexcused absences will result in a conversation with parents/guardians and one of our administrators to discuss whether there is another way that we can make up for the lost practice time.

Click Here for Grade 3-6 Choir 

What a wonderful start to the choral year! Your students have graced me with their wonderful voices, and incredible personalities. 


Students in this group are beginning to sing in multiple parts and in small groups for rounds. Solfege and vocal warm ups have been so much fun!

Every student is learning how to breathe and keep their shoulders down.

Students will be singing in the Remembrance Day Celebration. Linked below is the song they will be singing with the Grade 3 class and 7-9 Choir.  Please remember to wear all black and a poppy for Remembrance Day. 

Please click here to practice: Light a Candle for Peace 

Click Here for Grade 7-9 Choir 

What a wonderful start to the choral year! Your students have graced me with their wonderful voices, and incredible personalities. 


Students in this group, have been focusing on the different vocal groups and using their listening skills to hear the different singing parts in music Soprano, Mezzo Soprano and Alto. 

Every student is growing their vocal repertoire by finding popular music that fits into their personal vocal range. 

Students will be singing in the Remembrance Day Celebration. Linked below is the song they will be singing with the Grade3 Class and the Grade 3-6 Choir.  Please remember to wear all black and a poppy for Remembrance Day. 

Please click here to practice: Light a Candle for Peace 

Click Here for Guitar Club with Mrs. Atkinson

Guitar Club runs every Tuesday during lunch recess and our club is now full. 

Some things that we will be focusing on over the next few months are:

Students who already play guitar will have the opportunity to practice what they are learning or already know. As well as explore some new songs and mentor new players.

We are in the process of getting some tuners and music. 

This is the dryer part of guitar club... once we get the basics down things will be more exciting for our members.  

If you have any questions please email Mrs. Atkinson


Click Here for K-2 Munchkin Choir! UP & RUNNING!!

Munchkin choir for Grades K-2 will begin on Friday October 27th @ 12:35PM. 

Our munchkin choir will be a drop in choir for grades K-2 that will teach our youngest and most enthusiastic singers how to use their singing voices vs their speaking voices. 

We will have practice every week on Fridays at Elementary Lunch Recess (12:35PM). For Kindergarten this will mean every other week. 

As this is more of a fun choir for our littles, it will be a come try and not a full year commitment but we will be singing at our upcoming Winter Concert! 

Munchkin choir is so much fun! The 

All About Me! 

My name is Myiah Boison. I have my Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education and also my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I play 9 different instruments but I could never choose a favorite! I grew up singing, dancing, and acting and I am very grateful to share my passion for the performing arts with such brilliant young musicians. 

Currently, I coach Hip Hop, Ballet and Ballroom in Edmonton. I also coach soccer for children ages 18 months to 7 years old.  Finally, I will be competing in my own Ballroom Competition this year, coming out of more than 10 years of dance retirement. 

My teaching philosophy falls to all around literacy. Whether it be Math, Science, Social, English or Music, all students have the opportunity and ability to learn the basics and expand upon their knowledge while growing and having fun in a safe and comfortable environment. Musical literacy can cross curricularly help students do so many other tasks and I hope that the musicians of High Park can use their music thinking to help their well rounded learning experience. 

Please feel free to contact me about all of your music questions! I am always happy to be of assistance and learning is incredibly important. myiah.boison@psd.ca for email and I  will answer emails within 2 business days and phone calls to the school 780-963-2222.