

Brookline is now using Clever to set rosters and logins for some educational applications.  Clever offers secure and easy logins and ensures that class rosters are always up to date. 

Clever logins are matched to student and teacher PSBMA Google accounts. Once logged in, users are  given secure one-click access to  applications. 

Clever Tools in Brookline

In Brookline, Clever provisions and provides authentication to these tools:

Logging into Clever

Clever Guide for Students and Parents

Troubleshooting Clever Login Issues

Students in Grades K-2

K-2 Students login with their Clever Badge-a QR code. Classroom teaachers can print and share the Clever Badge with families. 

Make sure that the computer camera is set to allow the badge to work.

K-2 students can also log into Clever using their credentials. 

Students in Grades 3-12

Students should log in with their Google Credentials. If a student is logged into their Google Account, they will be able to log into Clever by simply clicking on the "Log in with Google" buttton. 

Students will not be able to login with a personal Gmail Address.