Google Classroom
Google Classroom Overview
Google Classroom is a tool used to streamline assignments, boost collaboration, and foster communication. It is available on the web or by mobile app. Classroom integrates easily with the other G-Suite for Education tools such as Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar.
Google Classroom is PSB's recommended platform for students in Grades 3-5 in a remote/hybrid learning environment.
How do I log into Google Classroom?
Students log into Classroom through their PSB issued Google account
Students login to their PSB issued Google Drive account and select Classroom from Apps.
Students using the Classroom student app on an iPhone or Android device, will be directed to sign in with their username and password.
** Please note ** Students' user names have changed since school year 2019-2020. User names previously had the domain Effective September 7, 2020, the domain changed to
If your teacher has a Google Classroom, you can join the class from your account. This video explains the process.
How do I turn in assignments in Google Classroom?
This Guide from Kasey Bell explains how to submit assignments. It also contains many more tips for students.
What can families see in their child's Google Classroom?
Adults can sit with their child (who is logged into their Classroom) for the student view to see:
Assignments that are assigned, on the Coursework page, as well as the Google Calendar view of assignments
Assignments that have been graded in addition to comments from teachers.
Announcements on the Stream.
How can families stay updated?
Families can receive weekly email summaries from their child's Classroom. Your child's teacher will let you know if guardian summaries is something they have active in their Google Classroom.
In email summaries, families will be updated about:
Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent.
Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails).
Class activities—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.
Learn more about Guardian Email Summaries