External Resources

Below are additional resources that may be useful.

Understood.org provides a wide variety of resources and support around learning differences, social emotional needs, and lots of ways parents can advocate for their child.

Executive Functioning

The Center for the Developing Child at Harvard has resources and activity guides for caregivers:https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/activities-guide-enhancing-and-practicing-executive-function-skills-with-children-from-infancy-to-adolescence/

Promoting Literacy


Resources that support foundational phonics skills and decoding: https://www.parkerphonics.com/books https://www.udemy.com/course/help-your-child-to-read-and-write/

Tips for supporting reading skills at home: https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/practiceguide/wwc_fr_tips_022118.pdf

Coping with COVID-19

Check out the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations for strategies for families to cope with the pandemic and challenging behavior and other helpful resources.


Middle/High School

Building the Core Skills Youth Need for Life is designed to be useful for educators and families of middle and high school students: https://46y5eh11fhgw3ve3ytpwxt9r-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/HCDC_BuildingAdolescentCoreLifeSkills.pdf






Tips for Sleep


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

American Academy of Pediatrics

Health Resources

Brookline Department of Public Health

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fact Sheet

What to Do if You are Sick? Fact Sheet

Tips to Stay Healthy in Brookline: A Review

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention Flyer

Share Facts, Not Rumors

Stigma and Resilience

Talking with children about highly stressful events (Riverside Community Health)


6.1 Stop the spread of COVID-19.pdf

Stop the Spread

6.2 Prevent COVID-19.pdf

Prevent the spread of COVID-19 in 7 steps

6.3 Why Wear A Mask.pdf

Why Wear a Mask?

6.4 Help Masks Help You.pdf

Help masks help you

6.5 Wash Hands.pdf

How to wash your hands

6.7 Have A Good Day - Positive Strategies.pdf

Strategies for a good day

6.8 Calm Down.pdf

Strategies for calming #1

6.9 Stay Calm.pdf

Strategies for calming #2