Important Information

Logistics and FAQs:


We will open the doors to the classroom at 8:00. Please try your hardest to get to school by 8:00. It is important for your child to join the group on time so that they not only feel like a part of the community, but also have a chance to settle in before we officially begin our day. Pick up will be at 2:30 at the door outside of the classroom Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, and at 1:40 on Fridays.


According to Brookline policy, our classroom must be “treat-free” for birthdays. Each child will be recognized on their birthday, and if you would like to send in a special book to be read to KC, please let us know!

KC Specials

Monday - Music

Tuesday - Music

Wednesday - Library and Art

Thursday - P.E.

Friday - P.E.

Snack and Lunch (All food must be Peanut, Tree Nut, and Sesame-Free)

Families will provide children with snack each day. Please send a healthy (examples: fruit, cheese, crackers, juice box) snack that is clearly labeled as snack. Differentiating what is snack can sometimes be confusing if children also bring a lunch from home. Please also be sure to include the appropriate utensils for your child's snack, as well as a water bottle.

Take-Home Folders

Please make sure to check your child’s take-home folder every night, and send it back to school in the morning. The amount of materials going home will vary from day to day, which is why it is important to take a moment to check the folder before sending it back to school.