

Your child will need a folder of his/her choice to use as a take home folder. This folder is turned into the teacher every morning and will be taken home and returned to school every day. This folder will contain your child’s Read & Respond, homework packets, Kindergarten newsletter, monthly behavior chart, and any other information about upcoming school events. This folder is also a great resource for parent-teacher communication. Feel free to write to your child’s teacher about any concerns you may have. After Winter Break your child may need a new folder if it becomes too torn up or dirty.


Read and Respond: Reading is very important in Kindergarten. At PSAS, all students complete a Read and Respond as part of their homework. Every Monday you will receive a Read & Respond sheet which needs to be signed and returned daily. Please read with or to your child (depending on his/her reading level) and then sign the R&R. During the 1st and 2nd Quarters you may choose any book that your child wants to read. Also, on the back of the R&R there are different activities; please have your child complete one of these each night. In the 3rd and 4th Quarters your child will bring home books that he/she is reading at school. It is very beneficial for your child to read these books at home. Your child will also begin writing a sentence each night on the back of the R&R about what he/ she read.

Homework Packets: Students will also receive a homework packet at the beginning of each week. A packet will normally consist of handwriting/phonics pages and/or Math pages- based on what we have been doing in class. The number of pages will increase during the year. As parents ourselves we know how busy family life can be, so we are trying to make it easier on you by giving you the entire week’s homework at once. Students will be given one full week to finish the packet for full credit. Late work will be accepted after 5 days of the due date for half credit and will not be accepted after the 5 day of the due date.

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