Vision Activities

& Exercises

Visual Fixation/Focusing

Click on the link below and play the "shark attack" game. Stare at the fish and try not to look away. When you see a shark, call out "shark!" repeat 5 times. Try not to lose focus and keep looking at the fish.

Visual Tracking

Click on the link below and play "bug walk." Follow the bug with your eyes, but try to keep your head still.

Follow this link to practice visual tracking. Trace an identical path as the picture on the left.

Visual Tracking/Saccades

Click on the link below and play "bug jumps." Follow the ladybug with your eyes. Try to keep your head still.

Visual Discrimination

  1. Click here for "find the difference" activities

  1. Click here for hidden pictures puzzles

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Visual Directionality/Laterality

  1. Play "Simon Says" emphasizing left and right. For example say "Simon says raise your left hand"

  2. Click on the link below, name the direction of each arrow starting from the top left corner. For example, up, left, down, right etc.

Visual Closure

Click the link below for some activities for visual closure. Visual closure is being able to correctly identify an object or a letter when the letter or picture is incomplete.

Visual Memory

Click on the link below and choose one of the available options. This helps you work on increasing memory of visual information.

Figure Ground

Can you find the ladybugs in these pictures?

"Move to Improve Your Eyes "

For this poster You can use painters tape on the floor. Have the student jump between the various quadrants following the smiley face.