
PS183 Technology

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship starts in kindergarten where they learn to be safe when using the internet and develops into digital citizenship in the upper grades. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use. All students should be following our school acceptable use policy.

K-2 AU Policy

3-5 AU Policy

Here’s more about digital citizenship:

GSuite for Education/Classroom

We are a GSuite for Education school. All students grades 1-5 have GSuite Accounts. We are using Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google sites, Google Slides,Google Docs and Google Sheets.


Coding is essentially the same thing as programming: It means writing the language that makes up computer software, mobile apps and web pages.

We participate in the hour of code each year and extend the unit beyond that week in all grades.

Look at President Obama learning code:

Here’s some more information:


Each year we participate in some worldwide collaboration projects. Here are some of the things we have done in the past.

1st Grade

Peter Reynolds author study- We read some of his books and created projects that we were able to share with other 1st grade classes.

2nd Grade

Teddy Bear Exchange

We exchanged bears with a school in Vermont. Each child brought the bear home for a night to experience life in NYC. The children shared pictures, adventures, and blogged using Kidblog to stay up to date with our bears adventures.


Mystery Skype

We are using Google Hangouts to connect with classrooms all over the world. Using a variety of geography based questions, students try to find the location of another class.

4th-5th Grades

We are using Google Classroom to create group projects. Everything is done through Google from the planning to the collaboration and the actual completion of the project.

Parent Resources

Common Sense Media- ratings/reviews on all types of media.

Netsmartz- Information on common internet issues. The kids love the videos and games on this site.

IKeepSafe- internet safety information