JDD-P1 - Registration Procedure for Children and Youth in Care

SECTION J: School Administration

The following principles are foundational to the Philosophy of Inclusion and the Best interests of the Child, outlined in the Education and Child and Family Services Protocol for Children and Youth in Care

JDD-P1 - Registration Procedures for Children and Youth in Care

SECTION J: Students

The child and family services worker/agency/region, caregiver(s) and/or parent(s) are responsible for: 

School staff is responsible for: 

Child and family services worker, caregiver(s)/parent(s) and school  staff are jointly responsible for: 

Information Sharing:

Child and family services workers must manage the sharing of information within the parameters of existing Child and Family Service Act (CFS Act) legislation, Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) which governs the release of information regarding a child or youth in care.  

Importantly, PHIA and FIPPA do not in any way prohibit the sharing of confidential information: 

Information to be shared includes, but is not limited to, relevant information from the Child and Family Services File and the Cumulative Education File (CUM), including: 

Collaborative planning may require the sharing of information among child and family services workers, school staff, caregiver(s) and parent(s). While it is essential to use procedures to protect children and youth against the risk of unauthorized access, collection, use or disposal of their personal information, joint planning requires clear and honest discussion about the needs and strengths of the child or youth. 

When sharing information about children and youth in care it is important to remember that educators and child and family services workers share a common goal: to maximize each child/youth’s learning potential. Educators can share with child and family services workers any information that can be shared with a parent. Child and family services workers can share with educators the level of detailed information necessary to ensure the child/youth’s well-being.


A positive initial experience at a new school sets the stage for future school engagement and success. When a child or youth in care transitions to a new school/school division, the following are required: 

Manitoba Regulation 155/05 (Appropriate Educational Programming) states: Educational programming not to be unduly delayed 7(1) A school board must ensure that a pupil is not denied educational programming in the following circumstances: 

(a)  for more than 14 days after the pupil seeks to be enrolled in a school within the division or district, regardless of whether that school has received the pupil’s pupil file; (b) pending 

(i) the conduct of any assessment, or 

(ii)  the preparation of an individual education plan for the pupil. 

Please note that educational programming is not to be denied in either the case of (a) OR (b) above, and that educational programming is a separate consideration from school placement or access to a school building.


Procedure Number:   JDD-P1Procedure Title:      Registration Procedure for Children and Youth in Care

Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   June 25th, 2002, August 24, 2017Legal Reference: 
Cross Reference: