IK-P0 - Patriotic Exercises

SECTION I: Instructional Programs and Services

Patriotic exercises are to be conducted according to Manitoba Regulation 472/88, as follows:

Opening and closing of school

2(1) At the opening of school on each day on which the school is in regular operation for instruction, the pupils shall sing the first verse and chorus of “O Canada”.

2(2) At the close of school on each day on which the school is in regular operation for

instruction, or at the close of any opening exercises that the school conducts, the

pupils may sing the first verse of “God Save the Queen”.

2(3) The singing prescribed in subsections (1) and (2) shall be done by the pupils in individual classes or in assembly, assisted by any means approved by the school administration.

2(4) While the singing prescribed in subsections (1) and (2) is taking place, all pupils shall stand erect in an attitude of attentiveness, except those pupils who are excused by the Board on medical grounds or other grounds satisfactory to the Board.

Remembrance Day exercises

3. Each school shall annually hold Remembrance Day exercises on the day prior to 

November 11th unless the day falls on a Sunday or Monday, in which case the exercises shall be held on the preceding Friday.

Citizenship exercises

4. Each school shall annually hold citizenship exercises on a day set aside by proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor or Governor General for special emphasis on citizenship.

Form of certain exercises

5. The exercises prescribed in Sections 3 and 4 may consist of readings, recitations, songs, addresses, and pageants of a patriotic character as approved by the school administrator.

Copy to be posted

6. A copy of this regulation shall be posted in a prominent place in every school.

(PSA 85) (M.R. 472/88)

Procedure Number:   IK-P0Procedure Title:       Patriotic Exercises
Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   Legal Reference: 
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