IFH-P1 Educational Trips and Extended Educational Trips

SECTION I: Instructional Programs and Services

The Board recognizes the educational value of well-planned educational field trips, generally defined to include any expedition organized by the Teacher(s) and participated in by a group of students as a learning experience.  It stresses the importance of organization, follow-up, and student safety as important aspects of this instructional activity.  Parental/guardian involvement is encouraged, wherever possible.

The following documents offer valuable information for schools:

All trips shall be subject to the approval of the Senior Administration and the availability of buses and Drivers, if applicable.  

Requests for extended educational field trips must be submitted as per the chart above.

A passenger list, including telephone numbers, must be prepared in duplicate for all trips.  One copy is to remain in the office of the Principal and one copy will be given to the supervising Teacher or Bus Driver.  The Bus Driver will check the approval form prior to proceeding.  The Bus Driver shall decide whether or not to proceed with the trip, should the weather appear unfavourable.

(a) Educational Field Trips

These generally involve a single outing with specific purposes and destination(s), 


a number of day trips organized around a particular program such as sports, drama, or music.  Parents/guardians of students participating in such trips/programs must complete the Parent/Guardian Permission Form (IFH-E1) for Educational Field Trips.

(b) Extended Educational Field Trips

These include any and all field trips that involve an overnight stay, out-of-province travel, or out-of-country travel.  Approval in principle for all extended educational trips must be obtained from the Board or Superintendent at least two months prior to the event as per the chart above, and at least six months prior to the event for out-of-country trips.  Out-of-province or out-of-country health insurance coverage is mandatory for all field trips involving out-of-province travel or out-of-country travel.  Proof of insurance coverage is required.  Parents/guardians of students wishing to participate in extended field trips must complete the Consent Form (IFH-E1) for Extended Educational Trips.  (refer to JLA)

Final details for overnight trips or swimming and downhill skiing trips must be forwarded to the Division Office for approval, after all arrangements have been completed.

The Board recognizes that, on occasion, trips related to specific educational or extra-curricular opportunities arise on short notice.

The Use of Swimming Facilities During Extended Educational Field Trips

Students and staff staying in a hotel or other accommodation during an overnight field trip may make use of hotel swimming facilities provided all of the following conditions have been met:

(a) The Teacher supervisor has contacted the hotel in advance and made arrangements for the hotel to supply a qualified lifeguard or the school has made arrangements to provide a lifeguard with current qualifications.  (A high school student who is a qualified lifeguard is allowed to fulfill the role.  The student must function as a lifeguard during that time and not participate in the swimming.)

(b) Swimming is only allowed if the lifeguard is on duty and the Teacher-supervisor is present.

(c) Parents have signed a consent form permitting their son/daughter to use the hotel swimming pool.  (Exhibit IFH-E1)

(d) The Teacher-supervisor has reviewed the arrangements with the Principal in advance and received his/her approval.

(e) The Superintendent has been made aware of the arrangements.

The Use of Volunteers on Field Trips

Volunteers provide valuable assistance to schools on field trips, and their services, time, and energy are truly appreciated.  In the case of Educational Field Trips, they can be briefed fairly quickly regarding their roles and responsibilities.

The use of volunteers for Extended Educational Field Trips with overnight stays, out-of-province, or even out-of-country travel places greater expectations on them as supervisors of children.  The Principal will decide whether additional background references, and security checks beyond those required for all persons volunteering with the Prairie Spirit School Division are in order.  In any case, volunteers for Extended Educational Field Trips are required to complete the Volunteer Consent Form (See IFH-E3.)


ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES (external documents)

This is a valuable resource developed to support and promote student safety in outdoor activity environments and on school outings.  School staff involved in field trips should familiarize themselves with it.

1. Safety First!  Guidelines for School Field Trips.

Part I – Introduction

Part II – General Considerations for Off-site Activities

Part III – Outdoor Pursuits,

Part IV - Activity-specific considerations pertinent to the field trip also reference the MPASS - Manitoba Physical Activity Safety in Schools Website

Part V - Education Tours (including Farm/Industry Visits, Music/Performance related travel, International travel, Exchange visit/Billeting)

The resource has a variety of sample lesson plans that are “designed to support teachers as they help students develop understandings and skills relevant to good decision-making in and for outdoor travel and living.  The intent is to optimize the potential for students to discover activities they enjoy and to learn how to make them part of their life in the long term.”

It helps to answer some of the usual questions that parents / guardians have regarding field trips.  There is, as well, information about informed consent.

Student Travel Health through the MSBA plan is mandated for all School or School Division Sanctioned Trips outside of Manitoba.  Reference the enrollment process for applicable information Manitoba School Boards Association Student Travel Health Insurance document .


Submissions for all educational field trip requests must include the information listed under General Requirements.  

General Requirements for all Education Field Trips

The following requirements are intended to ensure that adequate planning, organization, student safety issues, and follow-up considerations are addressed.  Submissions for approval must therefore include the following information:

(a) approval of the Principal; 

(b) the number of students and grade levels; 

(c) basis for selection of class or students;

(d) objectives, relevance, and educational value;

(e) a complete description of the trip and/or destination(s);

(f) a description of activities to be undertaken;

(g)  The number and names of supervisors (staff / volunteers / others). details of supervision, teacher/leader/service provider competencies relevant to activities and environments  

(h) departure and return dates and times;

(i) transportation details for the entire trip;

(j) overnight accommodation arrangements (billet, hotel, camp-out, etc.) if applicable;

(k) considerations for lost in-class instructional time;

(l) follow-up activities;

(m) cost estimates and source of funds; 

(n) the need for additional Student Accident Insurance;  Reference Manitoba School Boards Association Student Travel Health Insurance Enrolment Process document.

(o) provision for students with financial difficulty;

(p) provision for students who cannot take part because of social, ethnic, religious, or physical reasons;

(q) safety and emergency preparation, including but not restricted to:

Students requiring the use of prescription drugs must have a bona fide prescription bearing their name and that of their physician with them. Prescription medicines must be located in their original containers or, in case of medications such as Epipens or inhalers, the prescription label with the student and physician information be clearly visible.  Participants using prescription or other medicinal compounds must advise the Head Chaperone of this requirement prior to departure. For educational trips and extended educational trips that cross an international border, advanced notice of the requirement for prescription drugs or medicinal compounds must be provided to the school in a timely manner that allows for investigation into and approval for any actions that must be taken to ensure the drug or compound is permissible in the receiving country.

(r) All students must be enrolled in a school in the Prairie Spirit School Division and have an acceptable behaviour record.  The behaviour and conduct expectations outlined in the Prairie Spirit School Division’s Policy #13 - Safe and Respectful Schools as well as the School Handbook.  Review the Student Specific Plan for students with additional support needs in the area of Social Emotional Learning, and plan accordingly for the expectations of the trip.

(s) the need for meeting(s) with parent/guardians;

(t) other pertinent information.

(u) all school division policies and procedures apply to all education field trips.

(v) Inappropriate behaviour shall result in dismissal from the educational field trip, and the participant’s automatic return home at his/her own expense.  Should authorities be involved, participants will be subject to the laws of the country they are visiting.

(w)  Form to be Completed:

(x)  Out-of-country Trips:  Considerable attention should be given to overseas trips.  All destinations overseas must have Board approval in principle prior to any plans being made.  Meetings must be held with all students and parents to clarify details of the trip and the respective responsibilities of the school, parents, and students..  In-school preparation of the students to adapt to and accept different cultures, geographies, languages, etc., is required.  Attention will be given to such items as health requirements, foreign food, passport requirements, packing lists, currency regulations, and knowledge of student needs (i.e., allergies).  Plans will be made for such emergencies as unforeseen expenditures.  Complete and detailed itineraries will be prepared.  A complete understanding between parents, students, and Teachers must be established on various issues relating to different expectations in a foreign country; expectations related to use of alcohol, smoking, and dress.  Approval must be received from the Board at least six months in advance of the planned tour. 

Revised September 22, 2003

Revised June 13, 2006

Revised February 26, 2013

Revised May 7, 2018

Revised January 5, 2023

Revised June 27, 2023,

Revised February 26, 2024

Procedure Number:   IFH-P1 Procedure Title:       Educational Trips and Extended Educational Trips

Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   September 22, 2003, June 13, 2006, May 7, 2018, January 5, 2023, June 27, 2023, Revised February 26, 2024 Legal Reference: 
Cross Reference: