GDE-P0 - Digital Learning Administrator - Job Description

SECTION G: Personnel

Immediate Supervisor(s):  Superintendent


a. Minimum of Bachelor’s degree with Teacher Certificate.  A Master’s degree is preferred.

b. A minimum of five years actual teaching experience.

c.  Must have a valid Manitoba Class 5 Driver’s License.

Position Summary

The Digital Learning Administrator is responsible for providing leadership, expertise, and assistance to the division in the form of technology information, resources, professional development, and support.

Duties and Responsibilities

a. Plan, coordinate and evaluate the use of digital resources in supporting a SAMR approach to the infusion of technology into learning. 

b. Support Provincial initiatives such as computational thinking within the framework of the deployment chart.

c. Participate in professional associations such as but not limited to MAETL and BYTE within the Province of Manitoba.

d. Assume other responsibilities and perform other related duties as may be assigned.

Approved July 8, 2014Revised August 24, 2017Revised August 27, 2019Revised November 12, 2019Revised September 8, 2020
Procedure Number:   GDE-P0Procedure Title:       Digital Learning Administrator - Job Description
Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):  July 8, 2014, August 24, 2017, August 27, 2019, November 12, 2019, September 8, 2020 Legal Reference: 
Cross Reference: