EC-P0 - Accidents and Harms Involving Students and Staff

Section E:  Operations (Property and Transportation)

In all cases of serious accidents or illness, the immediate welfare of the students and staff shall be of prime concern.  The Principal or designate shall have the authority to call an ambulance for immediate support and to transport the student or staff to the hospital when deemed necessary. Parents or immediate family shall then be contacted immediately.

An accident or incident report (School Accident Incident Reporting Link) should be made as soon as practicable after an accident occurs.  A report must be made electronically for accidents involving physical injury to a person on school premises or while being transported.  Reports will be kept in the school and a copy forwarded to the Division Office and the school administration will inform the Division Office immediately if the accident is major.

In addition, the Division will notify Manitoba Education (Education Administration Services) as quickly as possible of serious school incidents (including to and from home) where as a result of the incident, any of the following occurs:

In the case of a minor accident or illness, first aid shall be given and the person kept under observation.  If complications arise, the case shall be treated as serious and the above steps shall be followed.  Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately in all cases involving head trauma.

An electronic report will be made on the “Accident Report Form” for all except minor accidents which occur during school activities. In the case of incidents resulting in harm or injury, an "Incident Report" shall be completed (School Accident Incident Reporting Link). The report(s) shall be kept in the school with a copy forwarded to the Division Office.

Definitions for classification of accidents/injuries/incidents

Minor: scratch, bruise, scrape, minor cut, minor sprain, etc.

Moderate: serious cut, more severe sprain, broken finger, etc.

Severe: injury to eye, head, face, back, broken arm/leg, overdose, active suicidal act, active mental health event, etc.

Revised September 2, 2014Revised April 25, 2018
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Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   September 2, 2014, April 25, 2018Legal Reference: 
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