SECTION A Procedures: Foundations and Basic Commitments

AFA - P1 - Violence Prevention

Safe work procedures have been developed to inform and train employees about the risks of violence.  Safe work procedures on violence prevention include:

See also AF, AF-R, ED

Notification of Risk

Any time there has been a change in the nature or extent of the risk of violence, the School Administrator will provide employees (and volunteers, if applicable) with all of the information available, including personal information, within the limitations of the law.  Information will be provided to the extent necessary for the purpose.

If Violence Occurs (Immediate Care)

Employees will be:

Employees will keep all existing benefits while under treatment or counselling.

How to Report Incidents of Violence

1. A student or staff member requires professional medical attention;

2. A letter is sent home concerning the incident;

3. The media is in contact with the school or division; or,

4. The police or other emergency services are notified. [Letter D. Yeo, November 1, 2005]

Incident Investigation

When an incident of violence has occurred and been reported, the following steps will be taken:

Annual Report

A summary of each investigation report (in accordance with Workplace Health & Safety regulations - Section 11.7(1) and (2)) will be included in the annual workplace report on violence produced every April.  The annual report on violence will be provided by the Superintendent to the school administrators for dissemination to staff no later than June 1 of each year.

Employees Affected by Violence

Employees who have been victims of violence will be:

Employees will keep all existing benefits while under treatment or counselling.

Members of Manitoba Teachers’ Society may receive support and services under the Educator Assistance Program.

If a support staff employee gets medical help or misses work, both the employer and employee must file a report of injury with the Workers Compensation Board. 

The incident and its effects will be reviewed with reasonable steps taken to accommodate employees involved in the incident.

Follow up to a Violent Incident/Debriefing

Debriefing and reflection of a violent incident investigation greatly assists the School Division to develop and ensure overall protocol continues to improve prevention of violence in the workplace.

Any assistance and/or report on the process can be forwarded to the Division Office for the purposes of reviewing this policy.

Revised February 28, 2018Revised March 26, 2024
Procedure Number:  File: AFA - P1Procedure Title:        VIOLENCE PREVENTIONCross Reference:    
Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   Legal Reference: 
Cross Reference: