Policy# 8 - Policy Development System

The Board believes the formulation, adoption, and monitoring of policies is a key governance activity by which to provide guidance and direction for the operation of the Division. Policies are written to reflect the Vision, Mission, Belief Statements and Priorities of the Board related to the operation of the Division while providing latitude for administrative decision making.

Strong governance policies: 

Policy Development and Amendment

Board governance policies are developed or amended in accordance with the following: 

Administrative Procedures

Administrative procedures are the delegated responsibility of Senior Administration and may be developed, altered and modified without prior approval of the Board, except in those areas specifically identified in Policy #11 Decision-Making Matrix. The Board is informed of revisions, additions, or deletions to administrative procedures that are:

Policy Review

To maintain a strong and relevant school system, policies are reviewed on a regular basis in an effort to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, consistency with current community values, and that the educational needs of all students are met. Senior Administration is responsible for monitoring changes to regulatory requirements and assessing the impact on Board policies. Trustees are responsible for monitoring community values and assessing the impact on Board policies. 

Policies are reviewed at least every 2 years.

Policy Dissemination

The Office of the Secretary-Treasurer ensures up-to-date policies are available on the Division web site.  Once a policy is developed or modified and approved by the Board, the Office of the Secretary-Treasurer ensures all staff impacted are advised by the new policy.

A specific communication strategy may be developed for any new policy or policy amendment.  

 1To be added by Administration 
Policy Number: 8Policy Title:       Policy Development System
Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   Legal Reference: 
Cross Reference: