Policy# 6 - Trustee Code of Conduct

The Board has established a Trustee Code Conduct (Code) as per Sections 35.1(1) and 35.1(2) of The Public Schools Act (PSA). 

This Code is an agreement between the organization and individual Trustees that identifies the standards of behaviour and accountability expected of Trustees.

Trustee Responsibilities

The Board expects individual Trustees to adhere to the highest ethical standards in their dealings with the collective Board, divisional staff, school communities and the public.

Trustees are responsible to familiarize themselves with the provisions of Section 35 of the PSA, associated regulations and any guidelines approved by the Board, and are responsible to fulfill any requirements identified therein.

It is the responsibility of each trustee to:

It is recognized that Trustees are often involved in community projects and activities as citizens of the community and may have family, relations, and friends working for the Division. It is also recognized that Trustees may have working situations that are interconnected with those of the Division.  Regardless, Trustees are always expected to place the public interest first in carrying out their duties. 

A relationship bias exists when personal or work interests of an individual Trustee or those of family members, business partners, or close personal associates, financial or otherwise, interfere with or compromise the Trustee’s ability to act in the best interests of the Division and the constituents whom they serve. Such relationship bias may be real, potential or perceived.

Trustees are also considered to have a relationship bias in these circumstances:

In this case, the following definition of a dependent found in Section 36(1) of the PSA applies:

Relationship bias is distinct from conflict of interest created by pecuniary interests, as addressed in Sections 36 - 39 of the PSA.  See Policy #7 Conflict of Interest.


A Trustee must openly disclose a real or perceived relationship bias as soon as the issue arises and before the Board or its committees deal with the matter.  If uncertain whether the issue constitutes a relationship bias, the Trustee may consult with the Board Chair or the Secretary-Treasurer for advice and guidance.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the disclosure in the official Board minutes.

Where any Trustee is aware of a real or perceived relationship bias not declared by any other Trustee, they have a responsibility to raise the issue of clarification with the individual, and if unresolved, then with the Board.

The existence of relationship bias is not a breach of the Code if disclosed in accordance with this policy.  Full disclosure does not remove or eliminate a relationship bias.


Campaigning for Election

While actively campaigning for election, the following activities are prohibited:

Trustees must be cognizant of potential or perceived conflict that exists when serving as members of any organization (whether school or community based) that may from time to time make a”or request of the Board.  The Board ensures that this primary responsibility is not compromised, nor their members’ impartiality drawn into question. 

This includes but is not limited to Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), Recreation Commissions, Manitoba Rural Learning Consortium, sports leagues / clubs or other organizations with potential connections and like interests with the Division.

If a Trustee is a member, officiant, or otherwise involved with any other organization that may have like interests to those of the Division:

Review and Acknowledgement of the Code  

Trustees review the Code annually at the inaugural meeting and immediately thereafter, each Trustee acknowledges in writing that they:

Breaches of the Code

Chair/Presiding Officer

The Code applies equally to the Chair of the Board. In the case of an allegation of a breach of the Code by the Chair, wherever a process requires action by the Chair, it is modified to read the Vice-Chair.

The Chair of the Board or Presiding Officer of any meeting of the Board or committee of the Board exercises their powers in a fair and impartial manner having due regard for every Trustee’s opinion or views.


Reporting the Breach to the Board

Addressing the Complaint

Debating the Decision

Remedial Measures and Sanctions



Appeal to Adjudicator


Policy Number: 6Policy Title:       Trustee Code of Conduct
Adoption Date:    Amendment Date(s):   Legal Reference: 
Cross Reference: