to the Library

Our library is a place where students can come to work, collaborate with peers, study, borrow library resources or simply relax.

See Ms. Anton for your Library needs.


Clicking the ILS link will allow students and staff the ability to search books by title, subject, author or series. You can rate a book, write a book review and add books to your favorite list. Students and staff can also reserve books.

In order to use Insignia's OPAC search engine you have to be logged into your @prrd8.ca (Office 365) account.

Click the link below or icon to the left to get started

Insignia OPAC


Students have the opportunity to lease a Chromebook. Like a textbook, this device is a resource to support learning. Students will be required to pay a lease fee of $30.00 per year to cover general maintenance of the Chromebooks.

All classroom, school, and district policies are required to be followed at all times and in any location. Electronic checkout (using the library's database Insignia) is a borrowing agreement. Digitally signing out a device means the student agrees to return it upon request along with any accessories that were lent out with it (ie. a charge cord). All borrowed items will be returned in good condition and working order.

All district-issued devices are the property of Prairie Rose School Division 8. If any fines, repair, or replacement fees have occurred, whether intentionally or due to negligence, the student and the student’s parent/guardian will be responsible for paying the fines. Please make payments directly to Eagle Butte High School using School Cash Online.