Become a Facilitator of Learning

Incorporating Student Voice and Choice, aligned with the UDL Framework

Jayson Mansanarez, UCET 2024

Jayson has worked in Provo City School District since 2005 as an ELA teacher for 16 years and now serves the students of Provo in the district office as an Innovative Learngin Specialist and will transition to the role of ELA Curriculum Specialist for the 2024-25 school year. Jayson loves talking shop with other teachers and admin to better the practice of teaching for all stake holders. 

Learn more about UDL on the CAST website

The UDL Guidelines are organized both horizontally and vertically. Vertically, the Guidelines are organized according to the three principles of UDL: engagement, representation, and action and expression. The principles are broken down into Guidelines, and each of these Guidelines have corresponding “checkpoints” that provide more detailed suggestions.