The Website

This website is for those whom may or may not have a disability or has a family/friend  with a disability . This website can help you understand more about your disability and why you are not that different from everybody else in the world. This website is based off our team member who has a disability causing him to not move the same way we do as people without a disability. We want this website to be a safe haven for others with disability's too and to not think your alone . We also want this website to encourage others to share there story and to meet others just like them! Me and my team hope you or others with disability's can find clarity if needed to have a better understanding of there disability or there peers.

Our Team

Our team  worked together to develop a website like others for disabilities. We have based the creation  of our website of the inspiration of our team member August Kletzien. He is one of many with a Disability called Cerebral Palsy that effects body movement and muscle coordination. Our team on a day to day bases sees how he struggles and achieves some of the things he wants to do that most without a disability can do easily. This helps us create this website for him and others to not feel different or alone while facing the life challenges of being disabled.