The benefits of using "Your Awesome Voice-Over" are detailed at the first Link below!

Make the most of the benefits offered by your use of

"Your Awesome Voice-over"!

What keeps you up at night?

I have a solution to what may be a major pain point for your business.

You can potentially increase the number of your qualified leads – and increase your sales with a voice-over added to your website!

In exchange for your sharing a testimonial, I can create two voice-overs for you for free.

I typically charge $90 for 2 voice-overs, but for a limited time- you can get 2 voiceovers for free!

Check out my YouTube video at the first Link below - and then contact me at:

so we can hop on a call - or you can contact me through the Chat Bot on my website) to move forward on raising your brand awareness with a voice-over!

The second Link will take you to our web page - where we showcase our work in helping business owners to increase their brand awareness - and most importantly - get more qualified clients:

May I hear from you soon?

This offer will be closed out once I have 10 qualified clients that will share their testimonials!

Thank you - wishing you a successful and enjoyable experience in trying out our one-of-a-kind "Your Awesome Voice-over"!

Patrick OConnell

Patrick OConnell Consultants

Albuquerque, NM - USA