Arts and Creativity



Crumbled Paper Art

Crinkle blank paper up into a ball. Create a spontaneous painting using the lines on the crumpled paper. This project can be painted in 3D or 2D formats.

Words To Live By

What words do you  live by? Do you have a personal motto?


Create a collage using magazines, printings, or whatever you choose to design a collage that represents your "words to live by" or your "personal life motto". 


Crazy Quilt Collage

Tear up two or three magazine pages into squares . Your challenge is to cover the entire page within 15 minutes. 


What Are They Thinking?

Pull out pictures of magazines of five people, cut them out, arrange them on the paper and glue them down. Draw a thought bubble above every head and write what each figure is secretly thinking. Be as creative as possible .

Inspirational Hands 

Trace your hands and cut them out. On each finger write and decorate a positive quality about yourself or someone else. If you design one for someone else give it to them and notice how it makes you feel when they receive it. 

Drawing To Music

Find a song that you enjoy and listen to it with your eyes closed. After listening, play it again and draw/color as you listen. Feel free to edit after the song has completed. 

How does this music make you feel?

What pictures come to your mind?

What kind of landscape, shapes, character, food does this song remind you of?

Why did you choose those colors?

 If you could pick one word to describe the emotion of this picture, what would it be? 

What parts of the music led you to draw that? 

If you had to title this picture, what would it be? 
