
MakerSpace Attractions



Hot Press


Paint Brushes 



Are you making a sculpture and you are in need of clay and a kiln? Well you are in luck because we have just that. Come on down and be able to make any clay structure you want for any reason!


Sewing Machine


Embroidery Machine


Laser Cutter

We have a nice Muse Core Desktop CO2 powered laser cutter at your disposal. This machine is great for cutting up what you want(that isn't a metal) for whatever you need. It has a 20" x 12" bed and is able to cut up to .25" non metal materials. It even has a 7" touchscreen display so you can control major functions manually.

3D Printer

We have a PolyPrinter 229 3D printer for you to use at anytime. The print volume is 9" x 9" x 9". It supports ABS, PLA, Nylon, and NinjaFlex. You can use this to print any kind of model that you would like out of plastic. This would also be great for making prototypes if you are doing something like that

Raspberry Pi Computers

We have plenty of Raspberry Pi computers for all of your needs related to electronics. The Raspberry pi is a small computer the size of a credit card that is great for DIY electronics and even hosting small servers. You can also use the Raspberry pi for practicing your coding skills

Little Bits

We have a large array of Little Bits, which is essentially Legos but with electronics. You can take various pieces that have a different function and combine them to make a circuit of your choosing.

3D Pens

Are you willing to take your drawings to the 3rd dimension? Well come on down and use our 3d pens. You can make anything that you want with this cool gadget.

Power Tools

Soldering Iron

Do you need a soldering iron? Well you're in luck because we have quite a few of them in our makerspace. A soldering iron is a tool used to connect wires or fix electronics on boards with solder by melting the solder and using it as a glue of sorts. Knowing how to use one is always a great skill to have. The ones we have are a 25 watt unit.


Hot Iron Cutter

Miter Saw

Wireless Jigsaw

Hot Iron Cutter

Screw Drivers

We also have a bunch of tools like hammers and screwdrivers and a bunch of other miscellaneous tools for you to use for anything you need them for!



Hot Glue Gun


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Makerspace Tutorials & External Resources

Talon Tech is proud to present the Makerspace! You can come here for a variety of things from 3D printers to laser cutters to even Arduinos! Below is everything the Makerspace has to offer! 

Please fill out this form here if you would like to reserve a tool/spot in the makerspace. Link:

If you would like to provide feedback or suggestions for the Makerspace and this page, fill out this form here: 

If you want to know more about the equipment and want tutorials on how to operate them, check this out: Info and Tutorials