Social Studies

Students will take Social Studies each year while in middle school. Honors Social Studies classes are open to any student in 7th and 8th grade who is interested in a more rigorous social studies experience. There are no prerequisites for honors courses. 

Social Studies

World Cultures Social Studies 6 SS600
World Cultures is designed as a study of people and places in the contemporary world. This course focuses on geography and cultures as they exist today. The strands of history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science and technology, and social studies skills are integrated into the curriculum. Instruction is delivered through a variety of methods including: reading primary and secondary sources, visual materials, audio-visual selections, and use of technology, which will encourage students to use the knowledge and skills they will develop in class.

Prerequisite: None

Texas History 7 SS700
Texas history involves the study of geography, people, and events from prehistoric era  to present day.  Special emphasis is given to Texas people, the study of family and ethnic heritage, and local history. A major objective of the course is to introduce the student to the legends and truths that combine to make Texas such a unique and colorful state.

Prerequisite: None

Honors Texas History 7 SS701
This course is designed to provide an in-depth study of Texas history through the modern era. Students will be expected to gather data, analyze materials, and draw conclusions from both primary and secondary sources for use in completing document-based and free response questions. This course challenges students with a rigorous curriculum designed to provide the necessary skills to be a successful student.

Prerequisite: None

US History 8                 SS800
US History 8 covers geography and historical events through the Reconstruction Era. Objectives of this course include providing the student with a basic survey of historical facts in addition to promoting critical thinking skills such as: cause and effect, categorizing, generalizing, analyzing and evaluation. An intense study of the United States Constitution is included and emphasizes the responsibilities and opportunities present in a democratic society.

Prerequisite: None

Honors US History 8                 SS801

This course is designed to provide an in-depth study of US history through the Reconstruction Era. Students will be expected to gather data, analyze materials, and draw conclusions from both primary and secondary sources for use in completing document-based and free response questions. This course challenges students with a rigorous curriculum designed to provide the necessary skills to be successful.

Prerequisite: None