Extra Resources


This week's math homework:

Math Homework


Your child needs to read each night for 20-30 minutes. Here are some importants stats on why it is important read each night for 20 minutes.

Logging into Google Classroom

Username: (studentusername)@k12.prosper-isd.net

Password: students password

Instructions for Tumble Books

1. First we login to the Prosper ISD Site->Student-> Portal. Enter Student User ID and Pwd.

2. Once inside Prosper "Student Portal", we should click on MackinVia (this is on of the application that shows on the Student Portal)

3. Once inside MackinVia, there is a list of around 32 items that shows up on the screen. Scroll through this list and go to the second screen/page; there is an item on the list that says "TumbleBook LIbrary". Click Open, then it takes you to TumbleBook page with all the books in it. (Since you are linking from Prosper MackinvVia, you are automatically logged in to TumbleBook.)