- Enter Hulu Acivation Code

Visit to enter hulu activation code. get complete detail to login TV-connected device with activation code. If face problem contact for support.

How to activate Hulu on Computer with ?

Hulu is one of the most popular, on-demand services, streams in US television movies and shows. For using this unit, you need to link your device to your Hulu account and then enter the activation code for activation. But before you connect the computer to your Hulu account, make sure the following:

  1. Your operating system is connected to an active great speed internet connection

  2. Ensure that your product supports Hulu service

  3. Now, to start using Hulu activate, visit and then enter the activation code into the required field to freely activate your Hulu subscription. Hulu activation code consists of 6-characters alphanumeric keys. Go through the below instructions to complete the Hulu activation process with an ease:

  4. Select Hulu application on your TV and then choose the login option

  5. On the TV screen, you will get an option to Activate Hulu from your computer. So, tap “Activate” on a computer to get your unique Device Activation Code. You will receive a 6-digit of alphanumeric activation code on your TV Screen. Here is a sample code: AS56HF

  6. Now you have valid activation code for your device, go to on your computer device. You may be asked to login to hulu account

  7. Click on "Manage Your Devices" or "Activate your device" button

  8. Activate your device now

  9. To activate your hulu device. Enter hulu activation code and click "Activate"

  10. After entering that activation code, wait for a couple of seconds as within 25-30 Seconds, your device will get activated in hulu account and your subscription will be activated

  11. Afterwards manage your Devices

  12. To manage your hulu device, you have to click on "Manage your devices" option

  13. You can deactivate every device which is connected. Tap on remove icon for which the device you want to remove

  14. You will be then logged out of all gadgets that you have ejected from your Account page

  15. You will be prompted your device is activated

Steps to avoid Hulu Channel Activation Errors

If you are worried about the Hulu activation errors that pop up during Hulu channel activation we have a lot of troubleshooting tips.

  1. It will be good if you double check the channel activation code or the page

  2. Using the wireless option can offer you good speed

  3. Try to restart the streaming device that you use for Hulu channel activation and this step will help you to avoid errors to a greater extent

  4. In case if you come across any errors using the channel activation code, get a new code

  5. If not we suggest to uninstall the app and install it again