
This Year Promontory is in the second year implementing a new math curriculum, Eureka Math by Great Minds. I think that this program is going to be so great for your students! Here’s what Great Minds has to say about this curriculum, “Eureka Math connects math to the real world in ways that take the fear out of math and build student confidence—helping students achieve true understanding lesson by lesson and year after year”.

This web page will give you links to resources (including video lessons :)) to help you and your child be successful this year in math. I think you will find them very helpful, and as always I am here to help in any way I can. I hope this will be a FANTASTIC year in math for you!

Eureka Math PARENT SUPPORT --Eureka Math Parent Support Site is also a great site to use.

“As a parent, you are your child’s chief advocate and most essential teacher — at homework time and always. To assist in this crucial role, we (Eureka Math/Great Minds) have assembled a suite of resources that will help you support your child in becoming proficient in math”.

Note: You will need to “shop” for resources, and add them to your cart. However, when you check out they are free.

Also I am willing to help students after school if they need extra help. You can email me or have them come in and set up a time!