How to download a book on Free Digital Library ? - 101

Could this question BE anymore dumb!

Yes! We can read your mind!

This surely does seem to be a dumb question right ?

You just click on the "Download" button and the books start downloading, right ? Duh!

Then, what the hell is this page for ?

Inorder to ensure hassle-free download, there are some petty things needed to be take care of.

1. Make sure that you are signed-in in your browser with your Google account, while browsing for the book.

All downloads in the Free Digital Library are thematically supported by Google App Script. Google App Script requires authorization to run scripts. Hence, in order to access the form on the web-page, Google requires you to have signed-in through your Google account in your browser, while you access our site.

2. Browse to the desired web-page.

3. Look for the book code in the web-page.

Each book in the Free Digital Library Database has a designated book code. It starts with 'TFDLBC - xxx - xx'. It is with this book code that the Automatic Dispatcher gets the book.

4. Fill out the 'Submit Details' form in the web-page with correct details.

Most importantly, the TFDLBC book code has to be exactly just the way as it is on the web-page. Enter the book code, with spaces between the hyphens. If the spaces are not present, the Automatic Dispatcher doesn't recognize the book.

5. Provide correct email address.

It is to this email address that the Automatic Dispatcher mails the book to you, immediately.

That's it!

All you have to do is enter the right book code and the book is mailed to the provided email address.

Sample TFDLBC and Submit Details sections

Book Title : Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation - Technology and Applications

Author Name : R. S. Khandpur

TFDL Book Code : TFDLBC - BE - BMI - 05

Now, off you go to download the desired book!