National Innovation Drive 2017


The following events are being organized on campus and they are:

1. Hackathon: Theme “ Digital India:

Maximum number of teams allowed for registration: 10

Minimum Team Members: 02

Maximum Team Members: 05

Criteria: Each team should comprise of members from at-least two different disciplines.

2. Poster Session

Theme “Benefits of Plastic Money in Online Transactions”

Maximum number of participants allowed for registration: 20

Only Single Participation Allowed.

3. Debate

Topic: “Use of IOT in Smart City”

Maximum number of participation: 10(5 for the motion and 5 against the motion)

Five Individual members: For the motion

Five Individual members: Against the motion

Only Single Participation Allowed.

4. Extempore:Two Minutes Duration

Topic to be announced on the spot

Maximum number of participation: 10

Only Single Participation Allowed.

Apart from the above there would be an expert talk on “Innovation” in this event.

Detailed rules for different events will be shared with all the participants through separate emails.


Registration for all the events is absolutely FREE and is purely on first come first serve basis.

For Hackathon event all the student groups would be reimbursed an amount of Rs 1500/- towards purchase of relevant materials for their products subjected to production of proper bills (with GST Number or PAN number of the vendor in the absence of GST Number) in original as per Government Rules.

Link for online registration of applications for all the events: