Let's get to work

Choose one of the creative assignments

  • You're a supermodel for one day! Write a blogpost about your day as a supermodel. Getting your hair done, preparing for a fashion show, or having a photoshoot today? Or do you want to raise awareness about the negative sides of being a model? Write a blogpost (+- 500 words) about your experience as a model. Use the examples you discussed during the webquest as a guideline.
  • Make a video about a day in your life. Focus on the aspects you discussed during this webquest: body image, influence of social media, stereotypes... The video should be about 3-5 minutes.
  • Interview a fashion icon. This can be anyone: a real fashion icon, a friend, or even your mother? Interview this person and focus on body image, influence of social media and stereotypes. You can either film your interview (if your interviewee is fine with that) or you can make an audio fragment. Your interview should be about 3-5 minutes.