

Peer Reviewed Publications

"Willingness to Pay for a Cooler Day: Evidence from the Last 60 Years of Major League Baseball Games" with Kevin Kuruc and Sean O'Connor (Accepted at AEJ:Applied). 

"The Effects of Online vs. In-Class Testing in Moderate-Stakes College Environments" with Andrew J. Hill. (Economics of Education Review, 2024)

Temperature, Worker Productivity, and Adaptation: Evidence from Survey Data Production” (AEJ:Applied, 2023)

"Heritable Fertility is Not Sufficient to Prevent Long-Run Population Decline" with Sam Arenberg, Kevin Kuruc, Nathan Franz, Sangita Vyas, Nicholas Lawson, Mark Budolfson, Mike Geruso, and Dean Spears (Demography, 2022)

“The Effects of Cash Assistance on Refugee Outcomes (Journal of Public Economics, 2019)

Working Papers

"Age and Infertility: Revisited" with Michael Geruso and Dean Spears

Book Chapters, Policy Research, and Other Writings

"Air Pollution, Health, and Mortality" in International Handbook of Population and Environment, Eds. Hunter, Lori, Gray, Clark, and Veron, Jacques. Chapter 12. with Dean Spears.

“The Consequences of Social Inequality for the Health and Development of India’s Children: the Case of Caste, Sanitation, and Child Height.” (Social Justice Research, 2019) with Diane Coffey and Dean Spears.

“Quantifying India’s Climate Vulnerability,” with Kevin Kuruc, Mark Budolfson, and Dean Spears. Prepared for the India Policy Forum, 2018.

“Employment Growth and Labor Market Polarization in the United States and Texas,” with Pia M. Orrenius. Ten-Gallon Economy: Sizing Up Economic Growth in Texas, 91-10. Eds. Pia M. Orrenius, Jesus Cañas, and Michael Weiss. New York, New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2015.

"Gone to Texas: Immigration and the Transformation of the Texas Economy,” with Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Special Report, 2013. 

“The Economics of U.S. Immigration Reform,” with Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny. Capitalism and Society 9(2), 2014.