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Artist's Statement

Artist's Statement from 

Mark Fletcher: Out of the Woods

Solo Exhibit Oct-Nov 2022

Jefferson Arts Gallery, Monticello

Perhaps we’re never out of the woods; Pandemic is followed by war, followed by hurricanes and who knows what next.  However, time spent in nature allows for meditation and direct observations through on-location art-making. What I bring out of the woods is not only sketches, paintings and poems, but an improved mind. Nature, like Art, can cure the soul and allows us to better deal with world events and their direct impact on our personal lives.

about my process:

The world is my studio. Every year I spend more time outdoors, in forests, on the water, and in the mountains. I hike, camp and kayak to create original on-location artwork. I experience the wonder of Nature through direct response to life with no technological filters. Careful and repeated observations reveal the full splendor of our special environment.

Often, I develop larger and more complex finished Artworks from my series of on-site sketches and poems about native Florida flora and fauna. At times whimsical, my art addresses complex issues with a sense of humor and hope. At least I hope to inspire people to go outside and play; to appreciate our fragile and curative natural environment.
