E Books by Margaret Pearce

published by Astrea Press

These books are available for purchase from Astrea Press.com , Amazon and Book Depository.

Allie and her cousin Jenny have been marooned at MON REPOSE, an ancient boarding house in the middle of nowhere for a week of their school holidays and without their mobile phones.

They meet Marilyn, and use an Ouija board. A teenage boy appears, confesses he is a genie, but not very experienced as he tries to be helpful.

And suddenly, their boring disastrous week at Mon Repose becomes very interesting indeed

Gail's relationship with Kelvin has been forever and is so right. Why are they being forced apart by Gail's stepfather? Is Kelvin secretly relieved that it is over between them? Gail has to struggle to come to a new understanding of life without Kelvin and their comfortable togetherness routine.

No one wants to upset their parents, but things happen and keep on happening. Your parents do need a good watchdog, one that is trained, obedient, and doesn't eat that much. So why are they so unreasonable?