Mar 5, 2020: Arif presenting poster award in International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT-2020).

Group Members in Various Conferences

Jan 6-8, 2020: Shashikant presenting poster award in International Conference on Functional Materials 2020 (ICFM-2020) .
Jan 6-8, 2020: Subrata presenting poster award in International Conference on Functional Materials 2020 (ICFM-2020) .
Jan 6-8, 2020: Arif presenting poster award in International Conference on Functional Materials 2020 (ICFM-2020) .
Sep 24-27, 2020: Shashikant presenting poster award in Advances in Polymer Science and Rubber Technology 2019 (APSRT-2019 .
Sep 24-27, 2020: Arif presenting poster award in Advances in Polymer Science and Rubber Technology 2019 (APSRT-2019 .
Mar 8, 2019: Arif received best poster award in International Conference entitled “Chemical & Biological Sciences in Drug Delivery-2019 (IC-CBSDD2019) .
Mar 7-8, 2019: Shashikant delivering Oral Presentation in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering & Sciences (ACES2019)” .
Sep 28, 2018: Shashikant received best poster award in BOSE125, One Day National Conference on theRecent Advances on Functional Nanomaterials”.
July 13-15, 2018: Shashikant presenting poster in CRSI NSC 23, 23rd CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry.