Published Papers and Book Chapters
"Wealth Inequality and Retirement Preparedness: A Cross-Cohort Perspective," Wharton Pension Research Council Working Paper WP2022-21 (August 2022) and in Real World Shocks and Retirement System Resiliency, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2024). (with Alice Henriques Volz)
"Will Population Aging Push Us Over a Fiscal Cliff?” In Economic Uncertainty in a More Uncertain World, Aspen Institute, Aspen Economic Strategy Group (2022).
"Social Security Wealth, Inequality, and Lifecycle Saving." In Measuring and Understanding the Distribution and Intra/Inter-Generational Mobility of Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, Studies in Income and Wealth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (2022). (with Alice Henriques Volz)
"United States Earnings Dynamics: Inequality, Mobility, and Volatility." In Measuring and Understanding the Distribution and Intra/Inter-Generational Mobility of Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, Studies in Income and Wealth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (2022). (with John M. Abowd and Kevin L. McKinney)
"Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2013 to 2016: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, 103(3): 1-41 (September 2017). (with Jesse Bricker, Lisa Dettling, Alice Henriques, Joanne Hsu, Lindsay Jacobs, Kevin Moore, Sarah Pack, Jeffrey Thompson, and Richard Windle)
“Is the U.S. Retirement System Contributing to Rising Wealth Inequality?” Russell Sage Foundation, Journal of the Social Sciences, 2(6): 59-85. (Fall 2016). (with Sebastian Devlin-Foltz and Alice Henriques)
“Taxing Incomes of Top Wealth Holders,” National Tax Journal, 69(4): 965-980. (December 2016). (with Kevin B. Moore and Sarah J. Pack)
“Measuring Income and Wealth at the Top Using Administrative and Survey Data,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:2016, p. 261-321. (with Jesse Bricker, Alice Henriques, and Jacob Krimmel)
“Heterogeneity in Economic Shocks and Household Spending in the US,” Fiscal Studies, 37(1): 153-192 (March 2016). (with Sebastian Devlin-Foltz)
“Estimating Top Income and Wealth Shares: Sensitivity to Data and Methods,” American Economic Review, 106(5): 641-45 (May 2016). (with Jesse Bricker, Alice Henriques, and Jacob Krimmel)
“Early Withdrawals from Retirement Accounts in the Great Recession,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 33(1): 1-16 (January 2015). (with Robert Argento and Victoria L. Bryant)
“Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2010 to 2013: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, 100(4): 1-41 (September 2014). (with Jesse Bricker, Lisa Dettling, Alice Henriques, Joanne Hsu, Kevin Moore, Jeffrey Thompson, and Richard Windle)
“The Current State of U.S. Household Balance Sheets,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 95(5) 337-359 (September/October 2013). (with Jacob Krimmel, Kevin B. Moore, and Paul Smith)
“Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2007 to 2010: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, 98(2): 2-80 (June 2012). (with Jesse Bricker, Arthur B. Kennickell, and Kevin B. Moore)
“Qualified Retirement Plans: Analysis of Distribution and Rollover Activity,” Proceedings of the 102nd National Tax Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, Il. (November 2010). (with Victoria L. Bryant and Sarah Holden)
“The Great Moderation in Micro Labor Earnings,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 57(4), 391-403 (May 2010). (with Jae Song)
“How Will the Stock Market Crash Affect the Choice of Pensions?” National Tax Journal, 62(3): 1-20 (September 2009). (with Robert L. Clark)
“Econometric Flexibility in Microsimulation: An Age-Centered Regression Approach,” International Journal of Microsimulation, 2(2):1-14 (Autumn 2009). (with Lina Walker)
“Earnings Volatility Across Groups and Time,” National Tax Journal, 62(2): 347-64 (June 2009). (with Jae Song)
“What is the Effective Social Security Tax on Additional Years of Work?” National Tax Journal, 60(3): 491-506. (September 2007)
“Uncertain Policy for an Uncertain World: The Case of Social Security,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 26(3): 507-525 (Summer 2007). (with Julie Topoleski)
“Comments On: Are Successive Generations of Americans Getting Richer, And If So, Why?” by Karen Pence and William G. Gale, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:2006, p. 220-225.
“Uncertainty About OAI Worker Benefits Under Individual Accounts,” Contemporary Economic Policy. 23(1): 1-16 (January 2005). (with Amy Rehder Harris and Michael Simpson)
“Alternative Methods for Projecting Equity Returns: Implications for Evaluating Social Security Reform Proposals,” Risk Management and Insurance Review. 8(1): 1-21 (Spring 2005)
“Modeling IRA Accumulation and Withdrawals,” National Tax Journal. 53(4): 865-876. (December 2000)
“Uncertainty in Social Security Trust Fund Projections,” National Tax Journal. 53(3): 515-530. (September 2000). (with Noah Meyerson)
“Can Permanent Income Theory Explain Cross-Section Consumption Patterns?” Review of Economics and Statistics. 82(3): 431-438. (August 2000). (with Jeffrey A. Groen)
“Household Saving in the ‘90s: Evidence from Cross-Section Wealth Surveys,” Review of Income and Wealth. 45(4): 435-454. (December 1999). (with Karen Pence)
“The Saving Crisis: In the Eye of the Beholder?” The Milken Institute Review, 1999:3. 1(3): 46-56. (with William G. Gale).
“Disposition of Lump-Sum Pension Distributions: Evidence From Tax Returns,” National Tax Journal. 52(3): 593-613. (September 1999). (with David Weiner)
"Perspectives on the Household Saving Rate,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1999 p. 181-224. (with William G. Gale)
“Projecting IRA Balances and Withdrawals,” EBRI Notes 20(5): 1-3. Washington, D.C.: Employee Benefits Research Institute. (May 1999)
“Taxing Government in a National Retail Sales Tax,” Tax Notes 81(1): 97-109. (October 1998). (with William G. Gale, Evan F. Koenig, and Diane Lim Rogers)
“Public Policy and Saving in the U.S. and Canada,” Canadian Journal of Economics 30(2): 253-275. (May 1997)
“Measuring The Distribution Of Economic Well-Being: Why Income And Consumption Give Different Answers,” Applied Economics Quarterly (Konjunkertpolitik) 1997(2): 153-176. (with Ulrike Schneider)
“Understanding The Post-War Decline in U.S. Saving: A Cohort Analysis,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1996 p. 315-407. (with Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Jagadeesh Gokhale)
“Trends in Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures, 1980-1992,” Monthly Labor Review 118(12): 35-45. (December 1995). (with Gregory Acs)
“Baby Boomers and Their Parents: How Does Their Economic Well-Being Compare In Middle Age?” Journal of Human Resources, 30(4): 791-806. (Fall 1995). (with Joyce Manchester)
“Deficits And Other Intergenerational Transfers: Restoring The Missing Link,” Challenge 37(1): 45-50. (January/February 1994)
“What is the Distributional Burden of Taxing Consumption?” National Tax Journal, 46(3): 331-344. (September 1993)
“The Decline in Saving: Some Microeconomic Evidence,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1991 p. 183-256. (with Barry Bosworth and Gary Burtless)
“Testing Consumer Theory with Household and Aggregate Data,” Applied Economics, 22(11): 1471-78. (November 1990)
“Job Creation in the U.S., 1973-84: Low or High Wage Industries?” Economia-e-Lavora, 21(2): 125-33. (April-June 1987). (with Robert W. Bednarzik)