
Alexander Povolotsky (BLTP, JINR & HSE University)

Oleg Ogievetsky (Center of Theoretical Physics, Marseille) TBA

Alexander Molev (University of Sydney) "Monomial bases"

Pavel Pyatov (HSE University, Moscow & BLTP, JINR, Dubna)

Alexei Zhedanov (Departmant of Mathematics, School of Information, Renmin University, China) "Algebraic Heun pencil and its applications"

Frank Göhmann (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany) "Finite temperature correlation functions of integrable systems"

Boris Khesin (University of Toronto, Canada) "New integrable pentagram maps"

Dmitry Korotkin (Concordia Universit, Canada) "Jimbo-Miwa tau-function as generating function of monodromy map"

Alexey Isaev (BLTP, JINR, Dubna) "Twistorial and space-time description of massless infinite spin (super)particles and fields"

Mikhail Podoinitsyn (BLTP, JINR, Dubna)

Andrey Tsiganov (Saint-Petersburg State University) "Discretization and superintegrability all rolled into one"

Andrey Bytsko (Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)

Vladimir Fock (Université de Strasbourg, France) TBA

Dimitri Gurevich (Valenciennes University, France) "Quantum matrix algebras"

Rafael Nepomechie (University of Miami, USA) "The spectrum of quantum-group-invariant transfer matrices"

Khazretali S. Nirov (INR RAS & HSE University, Moscow & University of Wuppertal, Germany) TBA

Yegor Zenkevich (Milano Bicocca University, Italy & ITEP, Moscow) "Networks of intertwiners, 3d gauge theories and superalgebras"

Vassily Gorbounov* (Aberdeen University, UK & HSE University, Moscow) "Integrable lattice models"

Andrei Pogrebkov (Steklov Mathematical Institute & HSE University, Moscow)

Nikolai Kuchumov (HSE University, Moscow)

Vladimir Stukopin (Don State Technical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) "Representations of Yangian and Quantum Loop Superalgebras "

Boris Runov (Concordia University, Canada)

Vladimir Roubtsov (ITEP, Moscow & Université d Angers, France) "Non-Commutative Painlevé-Calogero and Ruijsenaars Duality"

Enrico Olivucci (Universitat Hamburg) "Integrability of Chiral CFT4"

Oleg Zaboronski (Warwick University, UK) TBA

Daniele Valery (University of Glasgow, UK) "Classical W-algebras"

Vitaly Tarasov (Indiana University, USA & Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)

Sergey Derkachov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)

Alexander Veselov (Loughborough University, UK) "Classical and quantum integrable generalisations of Dirac magnetic monopoles "

Leonid Petrov (University of Virginia, USA & IITP, Moscow) "Stochastic vertex models and particle systems "

Jan de Gier (University of Melbourne, Australia) "Algebraic construction of duality functions in multi-species exclusion processes "

Mikhail Bershtein (Landau Institute & Skoltech & HSE University & IITP, Moscow) TBA

Loic Poulain d'Andecy (University of Reims, France) "Centralisers of tensor representations"

Simonetta Abenda (University of Bologna, Italy) "Totally positive Grassmannians, KP theory and M-curves"

Vyacheslav Spiridonov (BLTP, JINR, Dubna & HSE University, Moscow) TBA

Dmitry Talalaev (Moscow State University) "Integrable structures in the theory of electric networks"

Jean Michel Maillet* (CNRS & ENS Lyon, France) "On quantum separation of variables"

Natalia Kharuk (ITMO University, St.Petersburg)

Aleksandr Ivanov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)

Mikhail Alfimov (HSE University & Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow) "On dual description of the deformed OSP(N|2m) sigma models"

Guenter Roland Kirschner (ITP, University of Leipzig, Germany) "Representations of orthogonal and symplectic Yangians"

Varvara Petrova (HSE University, Moscow)

Charles Young (University of Hertfordshire, UK) "Affine Gaudin models, affine opers, and hypergeometric integrals of motion"

Vladimir Mangazeev (The Australian National University, Canberra) "Boundary matrices for the higher spin six vertex model"

Ivan Chi Ho Ip (HKUST, Hong Kong) "Positive Peter Weyl Theorem"

Rinat Kashaev (University of Geneva, Switzerland) "Spectral problem of a q-difference equation"

Andrey Mudrov (University of Leicester, UK) "Quantum quaternionic projective spaces and their pseudo-parabolic categories"

Vladimir Matveev (UFBC, Dijon, France & Steklov Mathematical Institute & SUAI, St.Petersburg) "Multiple Rogue waves and NLS hierarchy "

Pavlo Gavrylenko (Skoltech & HSE University, Moscow & BITP, Kyiv, Ukraine) "Crossing invariance of Liouville correlation functions at c=1 from Painleve VI" / "Simplest example of isomonodromic deformations on torus and toric conformal blocks"

Hrachya Babujyan (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia) TBA

David Karakhanyan (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia) "Orthogonal and symplectic Yangians"

Hermann Boos (University of Wuppertal, Germany) "Correlation functions of the sl(3) model"

Anton Shchechkin (HSE University & Skoltech, Moscow)

Andrii Liashyk (HSE University & Skoltech,, Moscow) "On Scalar Product of Bethe Vectors"

Giuliano Niccoli (CNRS & ENS de Lyon, France) "Quantum Separation of Variables for Higher Rank Models"

Kaœrol Kozlowski (CNRS & ENS de Lyon, France) "Asymptotic behaviour of two-point dynamical correlation functions in the XXZ chain"

Filipp Uvarov (IUPUI, USA) "Duality for Bethe algebras acting on polynomials in anticommuting variables"

Anastasia Trofimova (HSE University & Skoltech, Moscow)

Maria Matushko (HSE University & Skoltech, Moscow) "Fermionic limit of Calogero-Sutherland system"

Irina Bobrova (HSE University)

Giovanni Rastelli (University of Torino, Italy) "On the extended-Hamiltonian structure of certain superintegrable systems on constant-curvature Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian surfaces"

Ilia Gaiur (NRNU MEPHI)

Jurij Suris (Technische Universitaet, Berlin, Germany) "Geometry of bilinear discretization of quadratic integrable systems"

Pierre le Doussal (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France) "Replica Bethe ansatz KPZ equation"

Anna Ilina (HSE University & Skoltech, Moscow) "Spectral theory of Srchoedinger operator"

Alexey Bufetov (University of Bonn, Germany) "Color-position symmetry in interacting particle systems"

Anton Izosimov (University of Arizona, USA) "The pentagram map, Poncelet polygons, and commuting difference operators"

Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) "Large deviation of spin current for the 1D XX spin chain with domain wall boundary condition"

Anton Zabrodin (HSE University, Moscow) "Elliptic solutions to BKP equation and many-body systems"

Claudia Maria Chanu (University of Torino, Italy) "On the extended-Hamiltonian structure of certain superintegrable systems on constant-curvature Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian surfaces"

Pavel Saponov (HSE University, Moscow & IHEP, Protvino) TBA

Nikita Slavnov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow) "Generating function for scalar products in the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz solvable models"

Chi Long Ivan So (HKUST, Hong Kong)

Takashi Takebe* (HSE University, Moscow)

Aleksandr Orlov (HSE University & Institute of Oceanology, Moscow) "Generation of Hurwitz numbers"

Boris Bychkov (HSE University, Moscow) "Topological recursion for Bousquet-Melou—Schaeffer numbers"

Ivan Burenev (Saint-Petersburg State University)

Evgeny Sklyanin (University of York, UK) "Qunatisation of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation"

Mykola Semenyakin (HSE University & Skoltech, Moscow)

Gerard Helminck (KdV Institute, University of Amsterdam)

Vadim Gorin (IITP, Moscow & MIT, USA) "From products of random matrices to tilings"

Valeriya Akhmedova* (IITP & HSE University, Moscow)

Yakov Kononov* (Columbia University, USA)

Arthur Hutsalyuk (University of Wuppertal, Germany)

Andrey Derbyshev (BLTP, JINR, Dubna)

Daria Rudneva* (Skoltech & HSE University, Moscow)

Ivan Sechin (Skoltech & ITEP & Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)

Mikhail Vasilyev (Skoltech, Moscow)

Leonid Rybnikov* (HSE University, Moscow) "Bethe subalgebras and wonderful closure"

Andrei Grekov (Skoltech, Moscow)

Alexander Shapiro (University of Edinburgh, UK ) "Cluster algebras and quantum integrable systems"

Nika Sokolova (Saint-Petersburg State University, PNPI)

Aleksandr Avdoshkin (UC Berkeley, USA & ITEP, Moscow)

Egor Dotsenko (Skoltech, Moscow)

Vadim Prokofiev (MIPT & Scoltech, Moscow)

Mikhail Tikhonov (Moscow State University)

Yulia Alexandr (UC Berkeley)

Mikhail Babich (Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)

Pronko Andrey (Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)

Khoroshkin Sergey (ITEP & HSE University, Moscow)

Soloviev Dmitry (St. Petersburg Sate University)