Volunteering Organizations

I volunteer with St. Croix Family Resource Center. http://stcroixfrc.org/

I have tutored and mentored:

    • music

    • social skills

    • reading

    • math

    • writing

  • I also advise on technological development

I was a volunteer at Community Homestead. https://www.communityhomestead.org/

I did:

    • bicycle repair

    • gardening

    • cooking

    • tended to chickens

    • crafts

I participated in a meeting about homelessness and trauma in Washington county. The goal of the organization was to collectively bring about awareness to homelessness and involve Washington county officials in a discussion along with the public. It allowed a panel of Washington county professionals a chance to share their work on the issue of homelessness. Then the public was given an opportunity to ask the panel questions.

One important topic that was discussed was violence against women and the safe places that women can go if they become victimized. The panel discussed generalities such as shelter availability, structure while homeless, how long one may be homeless, and other accomplishments of the organization.

The meeting ended with optimism about more and future meeting.