Switching Accounts

If you go to Google.com but do not see the "Sign in" button in the top right of the screen, it is because you are already signed into Google (probably with a personal Gmail account). Here's how to switch to your @utk.edu Google account!

1) Go to Google.com, and look in the top-right of your screen. You will see a circle that either has a letter/initial in it, or a picture that should look familiar to you. Click on that circle.

2) Click on "Sign out"

3) Click on "Sign in"

4) Enter your @utk.edu or @vols.utk.edu email address, and click "next"

5) Enter your password. This is your same UT NetID password, and it changes automatically every time you change your NetID.

6) Now you are signed in! Remember - if you are signed in to more than one account (like your personal gmail account and your @utk.edu account) you will ONLY be able to access restricted UTK content by selecting your @utk.edu account. Do this by clicking on the circle in the top-right of the screen, and selecting the appropriate account from the menu that appears!