• Intelligent cargo management system using Internet of Things

Supply Chain Management consists of a number of phases in which the transportation plays an important role. The problem that is addressed in this project deals with optimal delivery of the goods either to the subware house or to the shopping market. The lack of constant monitoring of the product during the freight contributes towards the food wastage during the transportation phase. The various factors that influence the freshness scale of the product which includes the natural and physical conditions are to be considered before the movement of the goods from the source to the destination. The collected data needs to be processed efficiently to make the right decisions.

  • Smart baby monitoring system using mobile App

this project helps us to monitor the baby’s movement .by sensing the movement we can tell weather baby is sleeping or not. if the baby is not sleeping then we can play the music through the player which is connected to cradle. We can even operate the toy movement which is connected to cradle through the mobile app.

  • Smart medicine remainder for elderly people

Sometimes elder people forget to take the medicine at the required time of medicines. And forgets which medicine He/she have to take at required time. And it is difficult for Caretakers to monitor them around the clock. To avoid this problem, we have made this medicine reminder system.

  • Connected Agri Warehouses cloud enabled Infrastructure

The main objective of the project is to monitor the ambient atmospheric conditions for proper food grain storage. We have implemented a monitoring and controlling system that monitors weather parameters like temperature, Humidity, Light and poisonous gases. These parameters are sent to Cloud. A web page is designed for remote monitoring of weather parameters in food storage room. An app is also designed for controlling the appliances in the room for maintains optimal weather parameters. This system is applicable for single storage house.

  • Smart bus stop reminder with connected bus stops

Bus routes travel through a number of bus stops. Many times buses change routes and new bus stop names need to be configured in system. Many bus stops also change their names at times or sometimes new bus stops to are added into existing routes. So here we propose a speaking bus stop indicator system using raspberry pi. when the bus reaches the bus top it receives the signals from device which is placed in Bus stop and speaks out the bus stop name.

  • Smart pantry For Indian railways with WSN based Food ordering system

The main aim of the project is to design a system for pantry update using wireless communication. We have implemented a Wireless communication system which enables passenger’s ordered information to the pantry section. there is a device from which the user can view the menu card and can place the order from his compartment with his seat number and unique id, then this order is sent to the pantry section where there is a web app through which they can check the orders and change their menu when required.

  • Smart city waste Management System with connected trashcans

Tracking of waste disposal in urban is becoming havoc. Management of waste produced in urban areas has to be managed properly .To manage waste like from monitoring the status of bin (whether is empty or filled) to disposal of waste, a system is developed. This system has a device which checks the bin status using sensors. Real time monitoring of bin status from any where through Wapp is possible.

  • Fingerprint Based Attendance System

In this project finger print based attendance system is proposed. Attendance in educational institutions, industries will require more paper work and time. To reduce this, automatic attendance system using finger print was developed. Fingerprints are a form of biometric identification which is unique and does not change in one’s entire lifetime. This project presents the attendance management system using fingerprint technology.

  • IoT based vehicle health monitoring

we have proposed an intelligent patients monitoring system to monitor the vehicle health that collects the status information of which includes engine RPM, Vehicle speed, coolant temp, fuel avg. an App is also designed to collect all the sensor data through Bluetooth communication. In case of emergency if the vehicle condition is not stable, then a SMS alert is automatically generated through Mobile app.

  • Smart system for Agri ware house monitoring and controlling system

The main objective of the project is to monitor the ambient atmospheric conditions for proper food grain storage. We have implemented a monitoring and controlling system that monitors weather parameters like temperature, Humidity, Light and poisonous gases. These parameters are sent to the mobile app through Bluetooth communication. If the weather conditions are not in optimal degrees controlling action can be done through app.

  • Smart Trash Can for Urban waste management

This project aims to optimize waste collection. The main objective of the project is to check whether worker has attended the bin to dispose it once he gets notified about the status of bin (whether it is full). To check the status of the bin sensors are used. Once these measured values crosses a threshold an SMS is sent to supervisor and worker. After SMS generation worker has to attend the bin to collect the bin. After he arrived he has to flash his RFID card to the reader attached to the bin so that an SMS will be sent indicating worker has come to collect the bin.

  • Gas Pipeline Monitoring System For hospitals

The pipeline distribution system is an integral part of all medical Gas Management Systems. It serves to bring all required medical gases and vacuum to areas where they are needed. Without a properly designed, installed, and maintained distribution system, the security of the whole hospital can be at risk. Mishaps involving the malfunction or misuse of medical gas supply to operating theatres have cost many lives. Oxygen is one of the most widely used gases for life-support and respiratory therapy. In this project, we have implemented a system which monitors the storage of gas using pressure sensors and leakage of gas.

  • IoT based River Water quality monitoring System

In today’s world, Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques are being used in different areas of research for monitoring, collecting and analysing data from remote locations. River water which is used as drinking water is a very precious commodity for all human beings. The system consists of several sensors which are used for measuring physical and chemical parameters of water. The parameters such as temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen of the water can be measured. Using this system a person can detect pollutants from a water body from anywhere in the world.

  • Remote monitoring of perishable goods Using IoT

Improper temperature control is a key reason why medicines like vaccinations and other perishable cargo are wasted in the supply chain. Even the slight change in increase in temperature while handling the products can lead to deterioration, considerable loss in revenue. To avoid this a cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function.

  • Self powered IoT based River water quality Monitoring System

In today’s world, Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques are being used in different areas of research for monitoring, collecting and analysing data from remote locations. The system consists of several sensors which are used for measuring physical and chemical parameters of water. The parameters such as temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen of the water can be measured. Using this system a person can detect pollutants from a water body from anywhere in the world. The other important concept of this project is the Devices that we are using for sensing the parameters are powered by solar cells and batteries.

  • Smart connected Signs for Improved Road Safety

In present Systems the road signs and the speed limits are Static. But the road signs can be changed in some cases. We can consider some cases when there are some road diversions due to heavy traffic or due to accidents then we can change the road signs accordingly if they are digitalized.

  • Smart Vending Machines Using IoT

Through this system we can monitor different parameters of vending machine like checking the level of the fluid in the vending machine so that if it is about to finish you can refill that machine with the required thing. You can check how frequently the machine is being used based on timings. If the person inserts the coin in the machine to buy coke then that coin insertion can be detected through IR sensor.

  • Remote gas pipeline tunnel temperature monitoring system

The leading engineering and system integration providers needed exactly the right solution for a challenging gas pipeline application. The system integrator realized that monitoring the temperature of a gas pipeline tunnel is crucial for safe operations. In the confined space of a tunnel, temperature rises easily, and the overheating could cause pipeline fractures that could lead to gas leaks or even explosions. This may cause loss of property and human loss, so in order to overcome that a remote monitoring system is designed which is used to monitor temperature levels, gas leakage and also pressure at the gas pipeline tunnel at various places.

  • Wireless Automated meter reading for power distribution networks

In many countries, electric power is provided by a number of private power plants distributed over wide areas. Optimizing distribution and transmission to meet market demand is always a challenge, particularly since power suppliers need to monitor data usage and combine the data for power generation, distribution, and transmission. So in this system the energy meters are connected to Lora module and from that the required parameters are sent to the gateway. From this gateway the values are sent to the cloud and are retrieved to web application where data is visualized.

  • Raspberry Pi based Configurable alarm & Notification System

This project gives people the ability to build their own inexpensive, expandable and feature-rich alarm system. We tailored the system to run on the Raspberry Pi. With this project it's also possible to connect multiple systems via a network connection and have them work together. We can create a user interface where we can give all the required inputs and we can configure the setups and alarms .we can also view the history of alarms and other data like pictures and all.

  • Intelligent Robotic floor cleaner

In the modern era, the Automatic Floor Cleaner is required. Thus, the cleaner is designed in such a way that it is capable of cleaning the area reducing the human effort just by starting the cleaning unit. In this project, the main focus is to build and program it in such a way, that it can move around freely and clean a specific area. It uses Ultrasonic sensors to detect the obstacles. The cleaning mobs are attached to the cleaner in such a way that it can clean the whole surface while moving. The mobs are rotated with the help of servo motors. This cleaner can be controlled through the Web app.

  • SQUID : Street Quality Identification

In an age of autonomous vehicle, cities and municipalities need digital tools to ensure that their streets are well maintained at at-cost. To this end, we created SQUID, a low cost data platform that integrates open source technologies to combine street imagery and ride quality data to provide a visual ground truth for all the city's streets.. In terms of implementation, the device is mounted to the back of a city vehicle with its camera facing downwards to the road. To detect the cracks and street quality we can train different classifiers using computer vision.

  • River Water quality monitoring System with Low power long range network

In this project we intend to present the design and development of a low cost system for real monitoring of water quality in an IoT environment. The system consists of several sensors which are used for measuring physical and chemical parameters of water. The parameters such as temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen of the water can be measured. Using this system a person can detect pollutants from a water body from anywhere in the world. We are implementing Lora communication for data transfer from node to gateway. Lora node is established near river which is connected with the sensors which will measure the quality. From Lora node the data is been transmitted to Lora gate way which is kilometres away from the node. This gateway will send the sensor data on to the cloud. A web app is designed to display the sensor data.

  • Intelligent and Weather Adaptive Street Lighting system

The electric power in most of the countries in the world is utilized in lighting the streets. However, the electrical energy consumed by street lights is not efficiently used because the need of street lamps is not essential in every street in all periods of time. In this project, we propose a system that switches off the light for the parts of the streets which are not in use and turns on the light for the parts of streets which are mostly used when it is dark. The smart street lighting also controls the luminosity of light and performs automatic light dimming which is an aspect that serves to reduce energy consumption. The intensity of light can be controlled based on illumination and the weather conditions.

  • Noise Detection and Management for Smart City using IoT

Noise is an environmental effect which can cause annoyance and can significantly affect health. With ever increasing population densities of cities, the noise levels are increasing and a balance needs to be achieved between legitimate commercial activities and controlling potential adverse noise effects to reasonable levels. Smart cities should be planned in accordance with urban noise detection and management guidelines to achieve better level of control over noise. In this context, a framework for urban noise management is developed based on the IOT concepts. Using this system we can monitor the sound levels in the fixed areas by deploying some devices with the sensors.

  • Public Crowd monitoring in market places

All the authorities who are responsible for managing and controlling crowd in public places face an uphill task. While in most cases the crowd expands to a very large physical area which is very difficult to monitor with personnel on ground, the controlling part is even more challenging with multiple entry and exit points adding to the random movement of crowd. Through this project we can monitor the number of persons present in one particular area. We can monitor number of persons entering and exiting a particular place. By using this data the authorities can estimate the number of persons in that place in case of emergencies and can take necessary actions.

  • An intelligent water utility monitoring and billing system

Water scarcity and water stress issues pose a serious threat to the global population. The traditional way of manual meter reading is furthermore inconvenient and time consuming. A smart water-monitoring system will make users mindful of their water consumption and help them to reduce their water usage. At the same time, users will be alerted to abnormal water usage to reduce water loss.

  • Green House Monitoring And Control System With Added Intelligence

In today’s greenhouses, many parameter measurements are required to monitor and control for quality and productivity of plants. But to get the desired results there are some important factors which come into play like Temperature, Humidity, Light and Water, which are necessary for a better plant growth. Web app is used to control the actuators based on sensed parameters manually from anywhere in the world.

  • Smart pill bottle using internet of things

This project helps in monitoring the time patterns of the patient when he is taking the pills .this records helps the doctor in treatment .it helps in checking the pill status in the bottle and notifies us to refill the bottle.

  • Smart home Automation Hub with MQTT Protocol

This project presents the overall design of Home Automation System (HAS) with low cost and wireless system . The smart home concept in the system improves the standard living at home. Home appliances are controlled through an android using Wi-Fi communication through MQTT protocol. We can even monitor the combustible gas leakage and we can open and close the door using App.

  • Smart Health Monitoring System for elderly people

Technology plays the major role in healthcare not only for sensory devices but also in communication, recording and display device. It is very important to monitor various medical parameters like pulse and temperature parameters . At the time of extremity situation alert message is sent to the desired people.

  • Personal assistance for independent Senior Citizens

There can be a lot of individuals out there who need constant help. Some people may forget to take the medicines at the correct time. The people are provided a wearable device on which there will be a display which notifies the people about the medicine. It comes with one more feature that when the person is feeling uneasy or in case of some emergency he can notify the people.

  • Optimized Energy Saving Solutions for Commercial Buildings

The model demonstrates the energy consumption in Conventional Building using energy saving parameters such as Temperature, Humidity, lighting controls and some of the measures. The energy saving system consists of three modes i.e., Eco Mode, Away Mode, Proximity Mode which turns on/off the electrical appliances when required ,which saves the energy. Centralized monitoring of parameters locally and remotely is possible. The sensor data is send to Cloud for future needs.

performed in this project using combination of hardware, software and networking is now being referred to as IoT (Internet of Things).

  • Iot Enable Smart Poultry Farm

This project proposes the new model by using advanced modern technology to make traditional chicken farming smarter. Smart farm gives the environmental parameter statistics like temperature, humidity, smoke, weather condition etc. The health of chicken depends on the environment in the poultry farm. If the environmental condition is not suitable then there may be problem with growth of the chicken and there health issues. We can remotely monitor environmental parameters in a poultry farm. we can monitor the water level in the tank. when ever there are extreme conditions This system will warn the person in-charge about the various environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, etc. by sending notifications. and then the person can take necessary actions

  • IoT enabled Smart Animal Farm

A smart system is needed to operate and monitor animal farm remotely. Animal farm are design in a such way that, environmental conditions can be altered by providing facilities like ventilation, cooling and lightening. we can remotely monitor environmental parameters in the farm. we can monitor the water level in the tank. when ever there are extreme conditions then notifications can be sent to person so that he can take necessary actions through app.

  • Smart Briefcase

Smart briefcase is designed to solve a wide range of challenges that road warriors face, such as accessing a reliable power supply and keeping personal items secure. It has the special features like smart locking from anywhere in the world through an app using IOT. we can track this in the App and can charge the mobile phone.. If someone tries to open your briefcase it also gives notification to the user. time. This will alarm and inform the authorized person when the garbage bin is about to fill. All the bins are monitored through the webpage along with location.

  • An IoT Based patient Monitoring System using Raspberry

Among the panoply of applications enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT), smart and connected health care is a particularly important one. Different health parameters like pulse and temperature are obtained and when there is emergency the family members and doctors are notified. The data can be stored in cloud for future purpose.

  • Intelligent Water Distribution System

The project Smart Water Supply Management, as the name says it all is about management of water supply throughout the scale, right from small societies, townships to entire urban infrastructure and also for irrigation water supply management. For Demonstration purpose we have restricted it to only House hold purpose (like for an apartment). Level of tank as well as flow of water at each house is continuously monitored using ultrasonic sensor and flow sensor. our device can also be used for controlling the valves(ON/OFF) of water pipe through web page, monitoring and analysing the water usage across the nodes(houses), is possible with the help of Web app and cloud connectivity. Furthermore an alert is trigged if there is any leakage.

  • Multi-protocol smart Home Gateway

Multiprotocol gateway is designed to act as the bridge between wireless technologies- Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on one side and the IP based communication on another side. The devices of this network operate on different wireless protocols, in that case what if a person requires a single access point. Then integrating all these devices is nothing but a simple application that consumes the Multiprotocol gateway. We propose combining the capabilities of various wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) which are different by design and are optimized for different applications. The key to success will be in deploying the right wireless technology for the requirements of the application and avoiding the temptation of trying to make one technology meet all needs.